ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager V16.8 Operation Guide

7.11.2 When Changing Storage Cluster Target Volume

When changing the logical volume number for the replication source/destination volume of the Primary Storage replication source/destination volume, configure the replication source/destination volume after deleting the reproduction information.

The procedure for changing the source/destination volume settings is as follows:

  1. Deleting the source volume or replica volume
    Delete the replication volume information by the swsrpdelvol command.

  2. Fetching Device Information on Managed Server
    Refer to "Fetching Device Information on Managed Server" in "7.4 Preparations", and update the device information.

  3. Setting up the source volumes and replica volumes
    Refer to "Configuring Source Volume and Replica Volume" in "7.4 Preparations", and reset the source volume and replica volumes.