PRIMECLUSTER  Installation and Administration Guide 4.5
FUJITSU Software

M.3.3 Changing the Settings in Multi-User Mode

This work is to be performed after completing the settings on all the nodes in the cluster system of the copy destination in single-user mode.

  1. Start all the nodes in multi-user mode.

  2. Set up the Cluster Integrity Monitor (CIM).

    Delete the CF node names that were used in the copy source, and set the CF node names to be used in the copy destination.

    Perform the settings on any node that configures the cluster system.

    Example: The CF node names used in the copy source are fuji2 and fuji3, and those used in the copy destination are fuji4 and fuji5.

    # rcqconfig -d fuji2 fuji3
    # rcqconfig -a fuji4 fuji5
  3. Checking the CF setting item

    Check if the changed CF node name, CIP/SysNode name, and cluster name are correct.

    1. Checking the CF node name and cluster name

      Execute the cfconfig -g command on each node to check if the set CF node name and cluster name are correct.

      Example: When the CF node name used in the copy destination is fuji4, and the cluster name used in the copy destination is PRIMECLUSTER2

      # cfconfig -g
      fuji4 PRIMECLUSTER2 eth1 eth2
    2. Checking the CIP/Sysnode name

      Check that all the CIP/SysNode names set in the remote host are enabled to communicate. Check the communication status on all the nodes.

      Example: When the SysNode name set in the remote host is fuji5RMS

      # ping fuji5RMS

    If an error occurs in the above step a or b, check if the CF node name, CIP/SysNode name, and cluster name that are set in /etc/, /etc/default/cluster or /etc/hosts are correct.

    If an error occurs, take the procedure below:

    1. Start the system in single-user mode.

    2. Perform "4. Change the CF node name, CIP/SysNode name, and the cluster name." of "M.3.2 Setup in Single-User Mode" again, and then restart the node.

    3. Perform "M.3.3 Changing the Settings in Multi-User Mode " again.

  4. Changing the cluster name of the Cluster Resource Management Facility

    Change the cluster name of the Cluster Resource Management Facility.

    Perform the settings on any node that configures the cluster system.

    Example: The new cluster name of the copy destination is "PRIMECLUSTER 2."

    # /etc/opt/FJSVcluster/bin/clsetrsc -n PRIMECLUSTER2 1
    # /etc/opt/FJSVcluster/bin/clsetrsc -n PRIMECLUSTER2 2
  5. Changing the SF settings

    1. For the Blade server, change the CF node name, slot number of the server blade, the SNMP community name, and the IP address of the management blade in the /etc/opt/SMAW/SMAWsf/SA_blade.cfg file.

      Example: When changing the values as follows.

      The SNMP community name

      public -> private

      CF node name      slot number   IP address of management blade
      fuji2 -> fuji4    1 -> 3 ->
      fuji3 -> fuji5    1 -> 3 ->
      [Before change]
      community-string public
      fuji2 1 cycle
      fuji3 1 cycle
      [After change]
      community-string private
      fuji4 3 cycle
      fuji5 3 cycle
    2. For PRIMERGY, except for the Blade server, change the entries for the CF node names and the IP address for IPMI (BMC or iRMC) in "/etc/opt/SMAW/SMAWsf/SA_ipmi.cfg".

      Example: When changing the values as follows.

      CF node name      IP address for IPMI (BMC or iRMC)
      fuji2 -> fuji4 ->
      fuji3 -> fuji5 ->
      [Before change]
      fuji2 cycle
      fuji3 cycle
      [After change]
      fuji4 cycle
      fuji5 cycle
    3. For PRIMEQUEST 2000 series, execute the following procedure:

      1. Change the setting of SVmco and MMB. For details on the setting methods, see the following manuals:

        - "PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series Installation Manual"

        - "PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series ServerView Mission Critical Option User Manual"

        You need to create an RMCP user so that PRIMECLUSTER can link with the MMB units. In all PRIMEQUEST instances that make up the PRIMECLUSTER system, be sure to create a user who uses RMCP to control the MMB. To create a user who uses RMCP to control the MMB, log in to the MMB Web-UI and create the user from the "Remote Server Management" window of the "Network Configuration" menu. Create the user as shown below.

        - Set [Privilege] to "Admin".

        - Set [Status] to "Enabled".

        For details about creating a user who uses RMCP to control the MMB, see the following manuals:

        - "PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series Tool Reference"

      2. Delete the MMB information used in the copy source CF node.

        Example: Delete the MMB information of fuji2, fuji3 on the copy source.

        # /etc/opt/FJSVcluster/bin/clmmbsetup -d fuji2
        # /etc/opt/FJSVcluster/bin/clmmbsetup -d fuji3
      3. Execute the "clmmbsetup -a" command and register the MMB information of the copy destination nodes.
        For information on how to use the "clmmbsetup" command, see the "clmmbsetup" manual page.

        # /etc/opt/FJSVcluster/bin/clmmbsetup -a mmb-user
        Enter User's Password:
        Re-enter User's Password:

        For mmb-user and User's Password, enter the user and password created in Step a.

      4. Check that the MMB asynchronous monitoring daemon has started on all the nodes.

        # /etc/opt/FJSVcluster/bin/clmmbmonctl

        If "The devmmbd daemon exists." is displayed, the MMB asynchronous monitoring daemon has started.

        If "The devmmbd daemon does not exist." is displayed, the MMB asynchronous monitoring daemon has not started. Execute the following command to start the MMB asynchronous monitoring daemon.

        # /etc/opt/FJSVcluster/bin/clmmbmonctl start
    4. For PRIMEQUEST 3000 series, execute the following procedure:

      1. Change the setting of iRMC. For the setup instructions, see the following manual:

        - "PRIMEQUEST 3000 Series Installation Manual"

        You must create a user so that PRIMECLUSTER can link with iRMC. On all PRIMEQUEST 3000 instances that make up the PRIMECLUSTER system, make sure to create a user to control iRMC.

        - Both IPv4 Console Redirection Setup and IPv6 Console Redirection Setup

        - PRIMEQUEST 3000 (except B model)

        To create a user to control iRMC, use "set irmc user" command.

        For how to use "set irmc user" command, refer to the following manual:

        - "PRIMEQUEST 3000 Series Tool Reference (MMB)"

        - PRIMEQUEST 3000 B model

        To create a user to control iRMC, log in to iRMC Web Interface and create the user from "User Management" page of "Settings" menu.

        For how to use iRMC Web Interface, refer to the following manual page:

        - "FUJITSU Server PRIMEQUEST 3000 Series Business Model iRMC S5 Web Interface"

      2. Change the setting of MMB (except B model). For the setup instructions, see the following manual:

        - "PRIMEQUEST 3000 Series Installation Manual"

        You must create the RMCP user so that PRIMECLUSTER can link with the MMB units.

        On all PRIMEQUEST 3000 instances that make up the PRIMECLUSTER system, make sure to create a user to control the MMB units with RMCP. To create a user to control MMB with RMCP, log in to MMB Web-UI, and create the user from "Remote Server Management" screen of "Network Configuration" menu. Create the user as shown below:

        - [Privilege]: "Admin"

        - [Status]: "Enabled"

        For details about creating a user who uses RMCP to control the MMB units, see the following manual provided with the unit:

        - "PRIMEQUEST 3000 Series Operation and Management Manual"

      3. Delete the iRMC/MMB information used in the copy source CF node.

        Example: When deleting the iRMC/MMB information of the copy source fuji2, fuji3

        # /etc/opt/FJSVcluster/bin/clirmcsetup -d fuji2
        # /etc/opt/FJSVcluster/bin/clirmcsetup -d fuji3
      4. Execute "clirmcsetup -a irmc" command and register the iRMC information of the copy destination node. For how to use "clirmcsetup" command, refer to the manual page of clirmcsetup.

        # /etc/opt/FJSVcluster/bin/clirmcsetup -a irmc irmc-user
        Enter User's Password:
        Re-Enter User's Password:

        For irmc-user and User's Password, enter the user and password created in step a.

      5. Execute "clirmcsetup -a mmb" command and register the MMB information of the copy destination node (except B model). For how to use "clirmcsetup" command, refer to the manual page of clirmcsetup.

        # /etc/opt/FJSVcluster/bin/clirmcsetup -a mmb mmb-user
        Enter User's Password:
        Re-Enter User's Password:

        For mmb-user and User's Password, enter the user and password created in step b.

      6. Check that the iRMC asynchronous monitoring daemon has started.

        # /etc/opt/FJSVcluster/bin/clirmcmonctl

        If "The devirmcd daemon exists." is displayed, the iRMC asynchronous monitoring daemon has started.

        If "The devirmcd daemon does not exist." is displayed, the iRMC asynchronous monitoring daemon has not started.

        Execute the following command to start the iRMC asynchronous monitoring daemon.

        # /etc/opt/FJSVcluster/bin/clirmcmonctl start
    5. Restore the saved file to the rcsd.cfg file.

      # mv /etc/opt/SMAW/SMAWsf/ /etc/opt/SMAW/SMAWsf/rcsd.cfg
    6. Change the CF node names and the IP address of the administrative LAN (admIP) described in /etc/opt/SMAW/SMAWsf/rcsd.cfg.

      Example: When changing the values as follows

      CF node name    IP address of administrative LAN
      fuji2 -> fuji4 ->
      fuji3 -> fuji5 ->
      [Before change]
      [After change]
    7. When kdump is used to collect the crash dump in the PRIMERGY including the Blade server, set up the kdump shutdown agent. Execute the following command on any one of the nodes.

      # /etc/opt/FJSVcllkcd/bin/panicinfo_setup
      panicinfo_setup: WARNING: /etc/panicinfo.conf file already exists. (I)nitialize, (C)opy or (Q)uit (I/C/Q) ? <- Input I
    8. Start up the Shutdown Facility.

      # sdtool -b

      Use sdtool -s to confirm whether the shutdown daemon (rcsd) is active.

      # sdtool -s

      By executing sdtool -s on all the nodes, the composition of the shutdown facility can be confirmed.


      Confirm the shutdown facility operates normally by the display result of the sdtool -s command.

      There is a possibility that the configuration settings of the agent or hardware are not correct when any of the following statuses are displayed though setting the shutdown facility is completed.

      • InitFailed is displayed in Init State.

      • Unknown or TestFailed is displayed in Test State.

      Confirm whether the error message is output to the /var/log/messages file. Then, take corrective actions according to the content of the output message.