Package mpi

Class FloatComplex

  • public final class FloatComplex
    extends java.lang.Object
    This class wraps a complex number stored in a buffer.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static FloatComplex get​(float[] array)
      Wraps a complex number stored in the first two values of an array.
      static FloatComplex get​(float[] array, int index)
      Wraps the complex number at the specified position of an array of complex numbers stored in an array of floats.
      static FloatComplex get​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
      Wraps a complex number stored in a buffer
      static FloatComplex get​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer, int index)
      Wraps the complex number at the specified position of an array of complex numbers stored in a buffer.
      static FloatComplex get​(java.nio.FloatBuffer buffer)
      Wraps a complex number stored in a buffer
      static FloatComplex get​(java.nio.FloatBuffer buffer, int index)
      Wraps the complex number at the specified position of an array of complex numbers stored in a buffer.
      java.nio.FloatBuffer getBuffer()
      Gets the buffer where the complex number is stored.
      float getImag()
      Gets the imaginary value.
      float getReal()
      Gets the real value.
      void putImag​(float imag)
      Puts the imaginary value.
      void putReal​(float real)
      Puts the real value.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • get

        public static FloatComplex get​(java.nio.FloatBuffer buffer)
        Wraps a complex number stored in a buffer
        buffer - buffer
        complex number
      • get

        public static FloatComplex get​(java.nio.FloatBuffer buffer,
                                       int index)
        Wraps the complex number at the specified position of an array of complex numbers stored in a buffer.
        buffer - buffer
        index - index
        complex number
      • get

        public static FloatComplex get​(float[] array)
        Wraps a complex number stored in the first two values of an array.
        array - array
        complex number
      • get

        public static FloatComplex get​(float[] array,
                                       int index)
        Wraps the complex number at the specified position of an array of complex numbers stored in an array of floats.
        array - array
        index - index
        complex number
      • get

        public static FloatComplex get​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
        Wraps a complex number stored in a buffer
        buffer - buffer
        complex number
      • get

        public static FloatComplex get​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer,
                                       int index)
        Wraps the complex number at the specified position of an array of complex numbers stored in a buffer.
        buffer - buffer
        index - index
        complex number
      • getReal

        public float getReal()
        Gets the real value.
        real value
      • getImag

        public float getImag()
        Gets the imaginary value.
        imaginary value.
      • putReal

        public void putReal​(float real)
        Puts the real value.
        real - real value
      • putImag

        public void putImag​(float imag)
        Puts the imaginary value.
        imag - imaginary value
      • getBuffer

        public java.nio.FloatBuffer getBuffer()
        Gets the buffer where the complex number is stored.
        buffer where the complex number is stored