PRIMECLUSTER  Installation and Administration Guide 4.4
FUJITSU Software

6.4 Initial GFS Setup

For the GFS Shared File System to be created on GDS volume, there must be a GDS volume and that volume must be active. If the volume is stopped, start the volume.


The volume is started by the [Start Volume] of [Operation] menu of GDS management view or the "sdxvolume -N" command.

For details, see "PRIMECLUSTER Global Disk Services Configuration and Administration Guide."

To use the GFS shared file system in RMS cluster operation, you need to set up GFS according to the flow below:

The device name and mount points that are specified here correspond to the values in "Setup (GFS Shared File System)" and "Setup (GFS Shared File System 2)"of PRIMECLUSTER Designsheets.


  • You need to prepare a management partition that is exclusive to the GFS shared file system. The GDS volume disk class is used for a switching file system and non-switching file system. For the management partition, non-switching file system must be allocated.

  • If you are using a GFS shared file system, you must not carry out " Setting Up Gds Resources."

Operation Procedure:

  1. Create a management partition for the GFS shared file system on any one of the nodes.

    # sfcsetup -c /dev/sfdsk/class0001/dsk/GFSctl
  2. Register the node information in the management partition on each node.

    primecl01# sfcsetup -a /dev/sfdsk/class0001/dsk/GFSctl
    primecl02# sfcsetup -a /dev/sfdsk/class0001/dsk/GFSctl
  3. Activate the GFS shared file system on each node.

    primecl01# sfcfrmstart
    primecl02# sfcfrmstart


    If sfcfrmstart ends abnormally, confirm that sfcprmd is started with the "ps" command. If sfcprmd has not been started, execute the following command on the node on which sfcprmd is not started:

    • For RHEL6

      # service sfcfsrm start
    • For RHEL7

      # systemctl stop fjsvgfsfsrm.service
      # systemctl start fjsvgfsfsrm.service
  4. Create a GFS shared file system on any one of the nodes.

    # sfcmkfs -o node=primecl01,primecl02 /dev/sfdsk/class0002/dsk/volume0001
  5. Add the mount information of the GFS shared file system to /etc/fstab on each node. Specify "noauto" in the "mount options" filed of the mount information. Do not specify "noatrc" in the same field.

    /dev/sfdsk/class0002/dsk/volume0001 /sfcfs1 sfcfs rw,noauto 0 0
  6. Create a mount point on each node.

    primecl01# mkdir /sfcfs1
    primecl02# mkdir /sfcfs1


The operations described in procedures 4, 5, and 6 can be set up by using the GUI management view. For details, see "6.4.1 File System Creation."