Package mpi

Class Struct.Data

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.nio.ByteBuffer getBuffer()
      Gets the buffer where this struct data is stored.
      protected java.nio.ByteBuffer getBuffer​(Datatype type, int field)
      Gets the buffer of a field.
      protected java.nio.ByteBuffer getBuffer​(Datatype type, int field, int index)
      Gets the buffer data at the specified position of a buffer array.
      protected byte getByte​(int field)
      Gets the byte value of a field.
      protected byte getByte​(int field, int index)
      Gets the byte value at the specified position of a byte array.
      protected char getChar​(int field)
      Gets the char value of a field.
      protected char getChar​(int field, int index)
      Gets the char value at the specified position of a char array.
      protected <S extends Struct,​D extends Struct.Data>
      getData​(S struct, int field)  
      protected <S extends Struct,​D extends Struct.Data>
      getData​(S struct, int field, int index)  
      protected double getDouble​(int field)
      Gets the double value of a field.
      protected double getDouble​(int field, int index)
      Gets the double value at the specified position of a double array.
      protected float getFloat​(int field)
      Gets the float value of a field.
      protected float getFloat​(int field, int index)
      Gets the float value at the specified position of a float array.
      protected int getInt​(int field)
      Gets the int value of a field.
      protected int getInt​(int field, int index)
      Gets the int value at the specified position of an int array.
      protected long getLong​(int field)
      Gets the long value of a field.
      protected long getLong​(int field, int index)
      Gets the long value at the specified position of a long array.
      protected short getShort​(int field)
      Gets the short value of a field.
      protected short getShort​(int field, int index)
      Gets the short value at the specified position of a short array.
      protected void putByte​(int field, byte v)
      Puts a byte value in a field.
      protected void putByte​(int field, int index, byte v)
      Puts a byte value at the specified position of a byte array.
      protected void putChar​(int field, char v)
      Puts a char value in a field.
      protected void putChar​(int field, int index, char v)
      Puts a char value at the specified position of a char array.
      protected void putDouble​(int field, double v)
      Puts a double value in a field.
      protected void putDouble​(int field, int index, double v)
      Puts a double value at the specified position of a double array.
      protected void putFloat​(int field, float v)
      Puts a float value in a field.
      protected void putFloat​(int field, int index, float v)
      Puts a float value at the specified position of a float array.
      protected void putInt​(int field, int v)
      Puts an int value in a field.
      protected void putInt​(int field, int index, int v)
      Puts an int value at the specified position of an int array.
      protected void putLong​(int field, int index, long v)
      Puts a long value at the specified position of a long array.
      protected void putLong​(int field, long v)
      Puts a long value in a field.
      protected void putShort​(int field, int index, short v)
      Puts a short value at the specified position of a short array.
      protected void putShort​(int field, short v)
      Puts a short value in a field.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • Data

        public Data()
    • Method Detail

      • getBuffer

        public final java.nio.ByteBuffer getBuffer()
        Gets the buffer where this struct data is stored.

        The buffer can be used in send/recv operations.

        Buffer where the struct data is stored.
      • getByte

        protected final byte getByte​(int field)
        Gets the byte value of a field.
        field - Offset of the field.
        Byte value.
      • getByte

        protected final byte getByte​(int field,
                                     int index)
        Gets the byte value at the specified position of a byte array.
        field - Offset of the byte array.
        index - Index of the byte in the array.
        Byte value.
      • putByte

        protected final void putByte​(int field,
                                     byte v)
        Puts a byte value in a field.
        field - Offset of the field.
        v - Byte value.
      • putByte

        protected final void putByte​(int field,
                                     int index,
                                     byte v)
        Puts a byte value at the specified position of a byte array.
        field - Offset of the byte array.
        index - Index of the byte in the array.
        v - Byte value.
      • getChar

        protected final char getChar​(int field)
        Gets the char value of a field.
        field - Offset of the field.
        Char value.
      • getChar

        protected final char getChar​(int field,
                                     int index)
        Gets the char value at the specified position of a char array.
        field - Offset of the char array.
        index - Index of the char in the array.
        Char value.
      • putChar

        protected final void putChar​(int field,
                                     char v)
        Puts a char value in a field.
        field - Offset of the field.
        v - Char value.
      • putChar

        protected final void putChar​(int field,
                                     int index,
                                     char v)
        Puts a char value at the specified position of a char array.
        field - Offset of the char array.
        index - Index of the char in the array.
        v - Char value.
      • getShort

        protected final short getShort​(int field)
        Gets the short value of a field.
        field - Offset of the field.
        Short value.
      • getShort

        protected final short getShort​(int field,
                                       int index)
        Gets the short value at the specified position of a short array.
        field - Offset of the short array.
        index - Index of the short in the array.
        Short value.
      • putShort

        protected final void putShort​(int field,
                                      short v)
        Puts a short value in a field.
        field - Offset of the field.
        v - Short value.
      • putShort

        protected final void putShort​(int field,
                                      int index,
                                      short v)
        Puts a short value at the specified position of a short array.
        field - Offset of the short array.
        index - Index of the short in the array.
        v - Short value.
      • getInt

        protected final int getInt​(int field)
        Gets the int value of a field.
        field - Offset of the field.
        Int value.
      • getInt

        protected final int getInt​(int field,
                                   int index)
        Gets the int value at the specified position of an int array.
        field - Offset of the int array.
        index - Index of the int in the array.
        Int value.
      • putInt

        protected final void putInt​(int field,
                                    int v)
        Puts an int value in a field.
        field - Offset of the field.
        v - Int value.
      • putInt

        protected final void putInt​(int field,
                                    int index,
                                    int v)
        Puts an int value at the specified position of an int array.
        field - Offset of the int array.
        index - Index of the int in the array.
        v - Int value.
      • getLong

        protected final long getLong​(int field)
        Gets the long value of a field.
        field - Offset of the field.
        Long value.
      • getLong

        protected final long getLong​(int field,
                                     int index)
        Gets the long value at the specified position of a long array.
        field - Offset of the long array.
        index - Index of the long in the array.
        Long value.
      • putLong

        protected final void putLong​(int field,
                                     long v)
        Puts a long value in a field.
        field - Offset of the field.
        v - Long value.
      • putLong

        protected final void putLong​(int field,
                                     int index,
                                     long v)
        Puts a long value at the specified position of a long array.
        field - Offset of the long array.
        index - Index of the long in the array.
        v - Long value.
      • getFloat

        protected final float getFloat​(int field)
        Gets the float value of a field.
        field - Offset of the field.
        Float value.
      • getFloat

        protected final float getFloat​(int field,
                                       int index)
        Gets the float value at the specified position of a float array.
        field - Offset of the float array.
        index - Index of the float in the array.
        Float value.
      • putFloat

        protected final void putFloat​(int field,
                                      float v)
        Puts a float value in a field.
        field - Offset of the field.
        v - Float value.
      • putFloat

        protected final void putFloat​(int field,
                                      int index,
                                      float v)
        Puts a float value at the specified position of a float array.
        field - Offset of the float array.
        index - Index of the float in the array.
        v - Float value.
      • getDouble

        protected final double getDouble​(int field)
        Gets the double value of a field.
        field - Offset of the field.
        Double value.
      • getDouble

        protected final double getDouble​(int field,
                                         int index)
        Gets the double value at the specified position of a double array.
        field - Offset of the double array.
        index - Index of the double in the array.
        Double value.
      • putDouble

        protected final void putDouble​(int field,
                                       double v)
        Puts a double value in a field.
        field - Offset of the field.
        v - Double value.
      • putDouble

        protected final void putDouble​(int field,
                                       int index,
                                       double v)
        Puts a double value at the specified position of a double array.
        field - Offset of the double array.
        index - Index of the double in the array.
        v - Double value.
      • getData

        protected final <S extends Struct,​D extends Struct.Data> D getData​(S struct,
                                                                                 int field)
      • getData

        protected final <S extends Struct,​D extends Struct.Data> D getData​(S struct,
                                                                                 int field,
                                                                                 int index)
      • getBuffer

        protected final java.nio.ByteBuffer getBuffer​(Datatype type,
                                                      int field)
        Gets the buffer of a field.

        The buffer can be used in send/recv operations.

        type - Data type of the buffer.
        field - Offset of the field.
        Buffer object.
      • getBuffer

        protected final java.nio.ByteBuffer getBuffer​(Datatype type,
                                                      int field,
                                                      int index)
                                               throws MPIException
        Gets the buffer data at the specified position of a buffer array.

        The buffer can be used in send/recv operations.

        type - Data type of the buffer.
        field - Offset of the buffer array.
        index - Index of the buffer in the array.
        Buffer object.
        MPIException - Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.