daemon: severity: module: internal error, details
An internal error occurred. details gives the cause of the error, daemon gives the name of the daemon program, severity gives the severity of the message, and module the module name (usually the internal function name) where the event was detected.
a) The following messages may be output when an I/O error occurs.
sdxservd: ERROR: module: internal error, sdxfunc=dbrw_read_dc(), rval=-1, sdxerrno=4120
sdxservd: ERROR: module: internal error, sdxfunc=dbrw_read_dc(), rval=-1, sdxerrno=4121
b) The message below may be output when a node is booted. This means the return value of the OS read(2) system call was 0 and the error number was 2. If the return value is 0, the event is not an error and the error number has no meaning, but it is recorded as a WARNING because the return value is not normal (a positive value).
sdxservd: WARNING: module: internal error, osfunc=read, rval=0, errno=2
c) The following message may be output during GDS installation processing.
sdxservd: HALT: main: internal error, child process terminated. exit code=0x200
In the event of a), some other I/O error message will be output. Refer to the explanation of resolution for that message, and take necessary actions.
In the event of b), if no error message was output around the same period of time, GDS was behaving normally and the message b) may be ignored. If some other error message was output around the same period of time, refer to the explanation and resolution for that message, and take necessary actions.
In the event of c), if message c) is output after the following message was output during GDS installation processing, there is no influence on the system and there is no need to take any action.
sdxservd: HALT: cannot open driver administrative file, errno=2
In other events, collect investigation material and contact field engineers.