INFO: read error and writeback success on status slice object.volume, class=class:
volume info:devno(maj,min)=v_devno(v_maj,v_min)
device info:devno(maj,min)=p_devno(p_maj,p_min)
error info: blk in disk=blknodk, blk in slice=blknosl,
Read request sent to slice object.volume in status status was unsuccessful, but was restored by writeback process.
Writeback is a process to read data from other slices in the event of a read error.
INFO: NVRAM configuration parameter has been updated:
old ='old_value'
new ='new_value'
Parameter param value stored in NVRAM (non-volatile memory) on the body unit was updated from old_value to new_value.
INFO:volume: temporarily disabled JRM, class=class
Although just resynchronization process on volume will be temporarily disabled, it will automatically attempt recovery.
INFO: disk: failed to connect spare disk for disk disk, group=group, class=class, sdxerrno=sdxerrno
Connecting spare disk disk to group instead of disk was unsuccessful.
INFO: disk: failed to connect spare disk for group lgroup, the highest level group=hgroup, class=class, sdxerrno=sdxerrno
The attempt to connect spare disk disk to the highest level group hgroup in place of group lgroup failed.
INFO: disk: connected spare disk for disk disk, group=group, class=class
Connected spare disk disk to group instead of disk.
INFO: disk: connected spare disk for group lgroup, the highest level group=hgroup, class=class
Spare disk disk was connected to the highest level group hgroup in place of group lgroup.
INFO: group: free blocks are reduced in group, class=class
Free blocks of group were reduced.
INFO: volume: reallocated NVURM space and enabled JRM successfully, class=class
Just resynchronization process of volume was resumed.
INFO: volume: retrieved NVURM from disk disk successfully, class=class
NVURM read request of volume sent from disk was successful. Just resynchronization process will be resumed.
NVURM is volume update area map information stored in the disk for just resynchronization.
INFO: volume: no need to retrieve NVURM, sdxerrno=sdxerrno, class=class
NVURM was not retrieved. Entire copying of volume will start.
INFO: disk: pslice: failed to open physical special files exclusively, errno=errno
Opening disk physical slice pslice exclusively was unsuccessful.
INFO: disk: device: disk ID information is invalid, sdxerrno=sdxerrno
Disk ID information of disk is invalid. disk will be automatically disabled.
INFO: disk: enabled disk, class=class
Disabled disk was enabled.
INFO: volume: volume synchronization started, class=class
Started synchronization copying process of volume.
INFO: volume: volume just resynchronization started, class=class
Started just resynchronization process of volume.
INFO: volume: volume synchronization canceled, class=class
Canceled synchronization copying of volume.
INFO: volume: volume just resynchronization canceled, class=class
Canceled just resynchronization process of volume.
INFO: volume: volume synchronization completed successfully, class=class
Synchronization copying process of volume completed successfully.
INFO: volume: volume just resynchronization completed successfully, class=class
Just resynchronization process of volume completed successfully.
INFO: object: failed to update configuration database, class=class
Updating configuration database was unsuccessful since all (or majority of) disks registered with class were unavailable. Usually, class will be closed following this message.
INFO: sdxservd daemon started up
The sdxservd daemon started up. GDS will be started.
INFO: started local volumes, timeofday
All volumes under local class have been started.
INFO: started root volumes
All volumes under root class have been started.
INFO: stopped all services by shutdown request, timeofday
All GDS services were stopped in response to a shutdown request.
INFO: cannot open class database file, errno=errno
Could not open class database file while booting the system. Will automatically attempt recovery.
INFO: class database file corrupted
Corrupted class database file was detected while booting the system. Will automatically attempt recovery.
INFO: class: cannot open class file, errno=errno
Could not open class file class while booting the system. Will automatically attempt recovery.
INFO: class: class file corrupted
Corrupted class file class was detected while booting the system. Will automatically attempt recovery.
INFO: class database file updated successfully
Class database file was updated.
INFO: class: class file updated successfully
Class file class was updated.
INFO: cannot write class database file, errno=errno
Could not write to class database file. Will automatically attempt recovery.
INFO: class: cannot write class file, errno=errno
Could not write to class file class. Will automatically attempt recovery.
INFO: cannot check configuration database ID information, sdxerrno=sdxerrno, class=class:
Opening or reading private slice psdextree was unsuccessful, and could not check configuration database ID information of class.
INFO: cannot check configuration database, sdxerrno=sdxerrno, class=class:
Opening or reading private slice psdextree was unsuccessful, and could not check configuration database of class.
INFO: configuration database corrupted, sdxerrno=sdxerrno, class=class:
psdextree ...
Since there was a check-sum error in the configuration database, private slice psdevtree... was not used as the configuration database for class class.
INFO: configuration database defeated, sdxerrno=sdxerrno, class=class:
psdextree ...
The configuration database for class class stored on private slice psdevtree... was determined to be invalid in a validity check.
INFO: class: valid configuration database replicas exist on:
psdextree ...
The valid configuration database for class class was determined.
psdevtree... is the private slice storing the valid configuration database.
INFO: class: starting up class
class will be started.
INFO: cannot update configuration database replica, sdxerrno=sdxerrno, class=class:
Updating a replica of the configuration database for class class stored on private slice psdevtree failed.
INFO: class: relocated configuration database replicas on:
psdextree ...
A replica of the configuration database for class class was relocated onto private slice psdevtree...
INFO: disk: disconnected spare disk from group group, class=class
Disconnected spare disk disk from group.
INFO: group: free blocks are increased in group, class=class
Number of free blocks in group increased.
INFO: failed to create a new thread, errno=errno
Function pthread_create() terminated abnormally.
INFO: cannot open configuration parameter file filename, errno=errno
Opening configuration parameter filename was unsuccessful.
INFO: cannot read configuration parameter file, errno=errno
Reading configuration parameter files was unsuccessful.
INFO: received unexpected data from sfdsk driver and ignored
Unexpected data was received from sfdsk driver and was ignored.
INFO: received unexpected event from sfdsk driver and ignored, details
Unexpected event was received from sfdsk driver and was ignored.
details displays the details about the event.
INFO: class: class closed down, node=node
class on node was closed.
INFO: command executed:
Command cmdline was executed.
INFO: command exited, exit-status=exitstat:
Processing cmdline is complete.
INFO: trying to execute command:
The cmdline command is about to be executed.
INFO: failed to execute command:
The cmdline command failed.
INFO: class: changed class resource status on remote node node, old-status => new-status
Class resource status on remote node node was changed from old-status to new-status.
INFO: class: changed class resource status on current node node, old-status => new-status
Class resource status on current node node was changed from old-status to new-status.
INFO: class: started type volumes, node=node
Starting volumes that belong to the class class was completed on the node node.
type is the class type attribute.
INFO: class: started and stood by type volumes, node=node
Starting and putting on standby volumes that belong to the class class was completed on the node node.
type is the class type attribute.
INFO: class: stopped and stood by type volumes, node=node
Stopping and putting on standby volumes that belong to the class class was completed on the node node.
type is the class type attribute.
INFO: class: stopped type volumes, node=node
Stopping volumes that belong to the class class was completed on the node node.
type is the class type attribute.
INFO: cannot connect spare disk, cluster-wide lock failure, class=class, sdxerrno=sdxerrno
Due to the occurrence of an abnormal exclusive control between cluster system nodes, the spare disk could not be connected.
INFO: cannot connect spare disk, too few valid configuration database replicas, class=class, disk=disk
Could not connect spare disk disk due to insufficient number of valid configuration databases.
INFO: cannot connect spare disk, hot spare disabled, class=class, disk=disk
Spare disk disk could not be connected since the hot spare is disabled.
INFO: class: started class-down recovery for remote node node
Closed class class on remote node node will be recovered.
INFO: class: class-down recovery failed, already class-down on current node node
Attempted recovery of closed class class on remote node node. Recovery was unsuccessful since the class was also closed on current node node.
INFO: class: class-down recovery failed, sdxerrno=sdxerrno
Recovering closed class class was unsuccessful.
INFO: class: class-down recovery completed successfully
Recovering closed class class was successful.
INFO: class: started node-down recovery for remote node node
Started node-down recovery on remote node node.
INFO: class: started shutdown recovery for remote node node
Started shutdown recovery on remote node node.
INFO: class: node-down recovery failed, already class-down on current node node
Recovering node-down was unsuccessful since class was in closed status on current node node.
INFO: class: shutdown recovery failed, already class-down on current node node
Recovering shutdown was unsuccessful since class was in closed status on current node node.
INFO: class: node-down recovery failed, sdxerrno=sdxerrno
Recovering class from node-down was unsuccessful.
INFO: class: shutdown recovery failed, sdxerrno=sdxerrno
Recovering class from shutdown was unsuccessful.
INFO: class: node-down recovery completed successfully
Recovering class from node-down completed successfully.
INFO: class: shutdown recovery completed successfully
Recovering class from shutdown completed successfully.
INFO: object.volume: failed to update slice error information, class closed down, class=class
Updating error information of slice object.volume was unsuccessful due to class in closed status.
INFO: volume: failed to disable JRM, class closed down, class=class
Disabling just resynchronization process on volume was unsuccessful due to class in closed status.
INFO: object.volume: failed to detach slice, class closed down, class=class
Detaching slice object.volume was unsuccessful due to class in closed status.
INFO: volume: failed to restart volume, class closed down, class=class
Restarting volume was unsuccessful due to class in closed status.
INFO: open error on status slice object.volume, class=class
Open request sent to slice object.volume in status status terminated abnormally.
INFO: class: trying to identify class master, details
Trying to identify the class master for shared class class.
INFO: class: identified class master, node=node
The master for shared class class has been identified as node node.
INFO: class: searching class master
Searching the master for shared class class.
INFO: class: class master found, node=node
The master for shared class class was found to be node node.
INFO: class: class master not found
The master for shared class class cannot be found.
INFO: class: got class master privilege
Trying to obtain master privilege for shared class class.
INFO: class: broadcasted class master information to remote nodes
The master information for shared class class has been broadcast to the remote nodes.
INFO: class: received confirmations of class master information from remote node node
Received master confirmation for shared class class from remote node node.
INFO: waiting for outstanding event operations, details
Waiting for event operations in process.
INFO: completed outstanding event operations
Event operations in process have been completed.
INFO: class: trying to release class master privilege, details
Trying to release master privilege for shared class class.
INFO: class: released class master privilege
Master privilege for shared class calss has been released.
INFO: proxy: started to copy with OPC, source=disk.volume, target=disk.volume, class=class
Copying between proxy volume proxy and master volume with the OPC function started.
"source" specifies the original slice name, "target" the mirror slice name, and "class" the name of the class to which the original slice and mirror slice belong.
INFO: proxy: completed copying with OPC, source=disk.volume, target=disk.volume, class=class
Copying between proxy volume proxy and master volume with the OPC function is completed.
"source" specifies the original slice name, "target" the mirror slice name, and "class" the name of the class to which the original slice and mirror slice belong.
INFO: proxy: canceled copying with OPC, source=disk.volume, target=disk.volume, class=class
Copying between proxy volume proxy and master volume with the OPC function was cancelled.
"source" specifies the original slice name, "target" the mirror slice name, and "class" the name of the class to which the original slice and mirror slice belong.
INFO: proxy: EC session started, source=disk.volume, target=disk.volume, class=class
EC session between proxy volume proxy and master volume started.
"source" specifies the original slice name, "target" the mirror slice name, and "class" the name of the class to which the original slice and mirror slice belong.
INFO: proxy: completed copying with EC, source=disk.volume, target=disk.volume, class=class
Copying between proxy volume proxy and master volume with the EC function is completed.
"source" specifies the original slice name, "target" the mirror slice name, and "class" the name of the class to which the original slice and mirror slice belong.
INFO: proxy: canceled copying with EC, source=disk.volume, target=disk.volume, class=class
Copying between proxy volume proxy and master volume with the EC function was cancelled.
"source" specifies the original slice name, "target" the mirror slice name, and "class" the name of the class to which the original slice and mirror slice belong.
INFO: proxy: EC session stopped, source=disk.volume, target=disk.volume, class=class
EC session between proxy volume proxy and master volume with the EC function was stopped.
"source" specifies the original slice name, "target" the mirror slice name, and "class" the name of the class to which the original slice and mirror slice belong.
INFO: proxy: EC session suspended, source=disk.volume, target=disk.volume, class=class
EC session between proxy volume proxy and master volume with the EC function has been temporarily suspended.
"source" specifies the original slice name, "target" the mirror slice name, and "class" the name of the class to which the original slice and mirror slice belong.
INFO: proxy: EC session resumed, source=disk.volume, target=disk.volume, class=class
EC session between proxy volume proxy and master volume with the EC function was resumed.
"source" specifies the original slice name, "target" the mirror slice name, and "class" the name of the class to which the original slice and mirror slice belong.
INFO: proxy: established BCV pair, STD=disk, BCV=disk, class=class
BCV pair between the proxy group proxy and the master group was established.
"STD" is the disk name of the standard device, "BCV" is the disk name of the BCV device, and "class" is the name of the class to which the standard and BCV devices belong.
INFO: proxy: completed copying with TimeFinder, source=disk, target=disk, class=class
Copying between the proxy group proxy and the master group with TimeFinder is complete.
"source" is the name of the copy source disk, "target" is the name of the copy destination disk, and "class" is the name of the class to which the copy source and destination disks belong.
INFO: proxy: canceled copying with TimeFinder, source=disk, target=disk, class=class
Copying between the proxy group proxy and the master group with TimeFinder was canceled.
"source" is the name of the copy source disk, "target" is the name of the copy destination disk, and "class" is the name of the class to which the copy source and destination disks belong.
INFO: proxy: canceled BCV pair, STD=disk, BCV=disk, class=class
BCV pair between the proxy group proxy and the master group was canceled.
"STD" is the disk name of the standard device, "BCV" is the disk name of the BCV device, and "class" is the name of the class to which the standard and BCV devices belong.
INFO: proxy: split BCV pair, STD=disk, BCV=disk, class=class
BCV pair between the proxy group proxy and the master group was split.
"STD" is the disk name of the standard device, "BCV" is the disk name of the BCV device, and "class" is the name of the class to which the standard and BCV devices belong.
INFO: proxy: re-established BCV pair, STD=disk, BCV=disk, class=class
BCV pair between the proxy group proxy and the master group was re-established.
"STD" is the disk name of the standard device, "BCV" is the disk name of the BCV device, and "class" is the name of the class to which the standard and BCV devices belong.
INFO: proxy: established SRDF pair, source=disk, target=disk, class=class
SRDF pair between the proxy group proxy and the master group was established.
"source" is the name of the source disk, "target" is the name of the target disk, and "class" is the name of the class to which the source and target disks belong.
INFO: proxy: completed copying with SRDF, source=disk, target=disk, class=class
Copying between the proxy group proxy and the master group with SRDF is complete.
"source" is the name of the copy source disk, "target" is the name of the copy destination disk, and "class" is the name of the class to which the copy source and destination disks belong.
INFO: proxy: canceled copying with SRDF, source=disk, target=disk, class=class
Copying between the proxy group proxy and the master group with SRDF was canceled.
"source" is the name of the copy source disk, "target" is the name of the copy destination disk, and "class" is the name of the class to which the copy source and destination disks belong.
INFO: proxy: canceled SRDF pair, source=disk, target=disk, class=class
SRDF pair between the proxy group proxy and the master group was canceled.
"source" is the name of the source disk, "target" is the name of the target disk, and "class" is the name of the class to which the source and target disks belong.
INFO: proxy: split SRDF pair, source=disk, target=disk, class=class
SRDF pair between the proxy group proxy and the master group was split.
"source" is the name of the source disk, "target" is the name of the target disk, and "class" is the name of the class to which the source and target disks belong.
INFO: proxy: re-established SRDF pair, source=disk, target=disk, class=class
SRDF pair between the proxy group proxy and the master group was re-established.
"source" is the name of the source disk, "target" is the name of the target disk, and "class" is the name of the class to which the source and target disks belong.
INFO: file not found
The file file was not found.