Systemwalker Desktop Keeper User's Guide for Administrator
FUJITSU Software

8.11.5 Modify Communication Information of Management Server

The port number and communication settings between installed applications of Systemwalker Desktop Keeper can be changed.

After changing the port number, when the changed port number is blocked by the firewall, the blockage must be removed.


Confirm the port number

Before changing the port number, refer to "Port Number List" of Reference Manual and confirm the port number being used.

  1. Start the Server Settings Tool.

  2. Perform the following operations according to purpose.

    When Modifying Settings
    Stop the service of the Management Server and Master Management Server that requires a change of settings. For information on how to stop the service, refer to "Stop Management Server service".

    When Viewing Settings
    Proceed to Step 3. If services are running, a confirmation window asking whether to display the Management Server Settings window should be displayed - click Yes.

  3. Click the Management Server Settings button.

    The Management Server Settings window is displayed (the value set when the Management Server is installed is displayed).

    Server settings

    Item Name


    IP address of server

    The IP address of the Management Server for which the port number and communication settings need to be modified will be displayed.

    Port number settings

    Item Name


    Management Console Level <--------->Control Service

    This is the port number used in the communication between Management Console and level control service.
    Specify a value from 5001 to 60000.

    Log Viewer <---------> Level Control Service

    This is the port number used in the communication between Log Viewer and level control service.
    Specify a value from 5001 to 60000.

    Server Service --------->Level Control Service

    This is the port number used in the communication from server service to level control service.
    Specify a value from 5001 to 60000.

    Level control Service ---------> Server Service

    This is the port number used in the communication from level control service to server service.
    Specify a value from 5001 to 60000.

    Level Control Service (upper-level) ---------> Level Control Service (sub-level)

    This is the port number used in the communication from level control service (upper-level) to level control service (sub-level).
    Specify a value from 5001 to 60000.

    Level Control Service(sub-level) --------->Level Control Service(upper-level)

    This is the port number used in the communication from level control service(sub-level) to level control service(upper-level).
    Specify a value from 5001 to 60000.

    Server Service ---------> CT

    This is the port number used in the communication from server service to the client (CT).
    Specify a value from 5001 to 60000.

    This port number is used for the proprietary communication (V15.1.1 or earlier communication method), and not used for the secure communication.

    CT ---------> Server Service

    This is the port number used in the communication from the client (CT) to server service.
    Specify a value from 5001 to 60000.

    This port number is used for the proprietary communication (V15.1.1 or earlier communication method), and not used for the secure communication.

    Server Service ---------> CT (with Management Server installed)

    This is the port number used in the communication from server service to the client (CT) when installing the client (CT) in the server that is the same as server service (The port number specified in Server Service ---------> CT cannot be specified).
    Specify a value from 5001 to 60000.

    This port number is used for the proprietary communication (V15.1.1 or earlier communication method), and not used for the secure communication.

    CT ---------> Server Service (images etc.)

    This is the port number used when sending the screen capture data and summary logs from the client (CT) to server service. (The port number specified in CT ---------> Server Service cannot be specified)
    Specify a value from 5001 to 60000.

    This port number is used for the proprietary communication (V15.1.1 or earlier communication method), and not used for the secure communication.

    CT ---------> Secure Communication Service

    This is the port number used in the communication from the client (CT) to the secure communication service when sending log or receiving policies of the client (CT).
    Specify a value from 50010 to 65535.

    This port number is used for the secure communication, and not used for the proprietary communication (V15.1.1 or earlier communication method).

    CT ---------> Secure Communication Service (Registration)

    This is the port number used in the communication from the client (CT) to the secure communication service when registering the client (CT).
    Specify a value from 5001 to 60000.

    This port number is used for the secure communication, and not used for the proprietary communication (V15.1.1 or earlier communication method).

    Management Server <---------> Operation Database

    Port number used for communication between the Relay Server and the Operation Database on the Management Server.
    Specify a value from 1024 to 49151.

    Server <---------> Log Viewing Database

    Port number used for communication between the Relay Server and the Log Viewing Database on the Management Server.
    Specify a value from 1024 to 49151.

    Communication settings

    Item Name


    Timeout value of communication between servers

    Timeout value (in seconds) for connection attempt among Management Console, Log Viewer, level control service, server service and between upper level control service and lower level control service.

    Specify a value from 1 to 999.

  4. Click the Set button.