The procedure of creating the user management Information or building management information is as follows.
User or building registration
Settings of operation authority
There are five methods of registering user management information or building management information. The method to be used depends on the method of entering the information to be registered.
Refer to the Systemwalker Desktop Patrol Reference Manual for details on the CSV file formats.
Register new information by uploading a CSV file
The method of new registration by uploading is as follows.
Login to the main menu and click Environment Setup.
The Environment Setup window is displayed.
Click the Upload button.
The following window is displayed.
Select the following items.
Master Data
Select the management information to be updated.
User Management Information
Building Management Information
Processing Option(s)
Select the operation from the following content.
Item | Meaning |
Add/Update | Add/Update the data that has been registered in Master data. Register new data in which the value of Key Item of the data to be uploaded should not be duplicated as the value of Key Item of the management information that has been registered. Update the data in which the value of Key Item of data to be uploaded is matched with the value of Key Item of the management information that has been registered. * The Key Item is the initial item of management information created in CSV format. |
Delete | Delete the data that has been registered in Master data. Delete the data in which the value of Key Item of the data to be uploaded is the same as the value of Key Item of the management information that has been registered, * The Key Item is the initial item of management information created in CSV format. |
Select the file in CSV format.
After the specification has completed, click the OK button.
The upload result is displayed.
When error occurred, the list of Masters that cannot be added/updated due to inconsistence of Master management information can be downloaded.
For error content, refer to the error content of "dtpmast.exe (Constructing Master Data)" in Systemwalker Desktop Patrol Reference Manual.
Update a registration by uploading a CSV file
The method of modifying the registered Master data is as follows.
Login to the main menu and click Environment Setup.
The Environment Setup window is displayed.
Select a section from the tree of the left field.
The organizations under the selected section is displayed on the right field.
Click the User Information Download button.
The following window is displayed.
Click the Building Information Download button, the following window will be displayed.
Right-click the download anchor and select Save to a file or Save the link. Save it by the ".csv" extension.
In case of section management account user, the master data of the belonging section and the section under it can be downloaded. The master data containing higher and other section cannot be downloaded.
Edit the downloaded file and create a data file according to the purpose of addition, updating, or deletion.
When modifying and saving the downloaded file with CSV format using Microsoft Excel, pay attention to the following.
Although the double quotation marks are used for displaying values in the original file, they may disappear after modifying and saving with Excel.
At this time, add double quotation marks using text editor, etc.
When the front part is 0, like "000001", in the original file, after modifying and saving with Excel, the number 0 in the front part will disappear and will be replaced by "1".
In this case, when modifying with Excel, use the user format that displays "0" at higher, or add the single quotation marks in the front of the value, and it is recognized compulsorily as a character item in Excel.
When editing CSV files, edit the password information of each user, and replace the password after uploading.
When using the original password of each user, make the set password effective by omitting the password information in CSV files.
As in new registration mentioned above, register the management information with CSV format in the Users - Upload window.
For the user that has been registered, the code of section to which it belongs cannot be modified and user management information cannot be deleted.
When trying to delete the user of system account, the user will be moved to the not Configured account under the status of system account. If you really want to delete this user, execute the deletion process again after modifying the authority.
When deleting building management information, since "Building Code: 9990" is the code used internally in the system, it cannot be deleted.
After a section has been deleted, the user of "Section Management Account" that belongs to the deleted section will become "User Account".
Register a new user from the main menu
The method of new registration from the main menu is as follows.
Log in to the main menu and click Environment Setup.
The Environment Setup window will be displayed.
Click Users.
The Users window will be displayed.
Click Add User.
The Users - Add window will be displayed.
Set the following items:
Item | Description |
User ID | Specify the ID number that identifies the user. Use up to 20 halfwidth alphanumeric characters and the following halfwidth symbols: . - @ _ Alphabetic characters are case-sensitive. This item cannot be omitted. |
User Name | Specify a user name. Use up to 30 fullwidth or 60 halfwidth alphanumeric characters, halfwidth spaces, and the following halfwidth symbols: - @ . ( ) [ ] { } < > : ; Alphabetic characters are case-sensitive. This item cannot be omitted. |
Password (*1) | Specify a password. Use from 4 to 12 halfwidth alphanumeric characters, halfwidth spaces, and the following halfwidth symbols: - = * ' @ ~ ( ) & $ # " ! ? % \ . , / : ; ` [ ] | < > { _ } Alphabetic characters are case-sensitive. |
Password (confirmation) | Reenter the password you specified for Password. |
Telephone number | Specify a telephone number. Use up to 20 halfwidth alphanumeric characters, halfwidth spaces, and the following halfwidth symbols: * + , - . / # ( ) _ Alphabetic characters are case-sensitive. |
FAX Number | Specify a fax number. Use up to 20 halfwidth alphanumeric characters, halfwidth spaces, and the following halfwidth symbols: * + , - . / # ( ) _ Alphabetic characters are case-sensitive. |
Email Address | Specify an email address. Use up to 50 halfwidth alphanumeric characters and the following halfwidth symbols: . - @ _ * The leading character must be a halfwidth alphanumeric character. No more than one "at" sign (@) can be used. |
Section Code | Specify the section code of the section to which the user belongs. Use up to 36 halfwidth alphanumeric characters and the halfwidth symbol "-". If the section code contains alphabetic characters, use uppercase characters. A code specified in lowercase alphabetic characters will be registered in uppercase characters. |
Building Code | Specify the code indicating the workplace to which the user belongs. Use up to 4 halfwidth numeric digits. |
*1: A password is required for logging in to the main menu.
Click OK.
The user will be added and the display returns to the Users window.
Change a user from the main menu
Log in to the main menu and click Environment Setup.
The Environment Setup window will be displayed.
Click Users.
The User window will be displayed.
Select a section from the section tree in the left pane.
The users in the selected section are displayed in the right pane.
Click the user ID link of the user you want to change.
The Users - Modify window will be displayed.
Reenter the following items that you want to change.
Item | Description |
User Name | Specify a user name. Use up to 30 fullwidth or 60 halfwidth alphanumeric characters, halfwidth spaces, and the following halfwidth symbols: - @ . ( ) [ ] { } < > : ; Alphabetic characters are case-sensitive. This item cannot be omitted. |
Password (*1) | If changing the password, select Change. Use between 4 and 12 halfwidth alphanumeric characters, halfwidth spaces, and the following halfwidth symbols: - = * ' @ ~ ( ) & $ # " ! ? % \ . , / : ; ` [ ] | < > { _ } Alphabetic characters are case-sensitive. |
Password (confirmation) | Reenter the password you specified for Password. |
Telephone number | Specify a telephone number. Use up to 20 halfwidth alphanumeric characters, halfwidth spaces, and the following halfwidth symbols: * + , - . / # ( ) _ Alphabetic characters are case-sensitive. |
FAX Number | Specify a fax number. Use up to 20 halfwidth alphanumeric characters, halfwidth spaces, and the following halfwidth symbols: * + , - . / # ( ) _ Alphabetic characters are case-sensitive. |
Email Address | Specify an email address. Use up to 50 halfwidth alphanumeric characters and the following halfwidth symbols: . - @ _ * The leading character must be a halfwidth alphanumeric character. No more than one "at" sign (@) can be used. |
Section Code | Specify the section code of the section to which the user belongs. Use up to 36 halfwidth alphanumeric characters and the halfwidth symbol "-". If the section code consists of alphabetic characters, use upper case. A code specified in lowercase alphabetic characters will be registered in uppercase characters. |
Building Code | Specify the code indicating the workplace to which the user belongs. Use up to 4 halfwidth numeric characters. |
*1: A password is required for logging in to the main menu.
Click OK.
The user information is changed and the display returns to the Users window.
Delete a user from the main menu
Log in to the main menu and click Environment Setup.
The Environment Setup window will be displayed.
Click Users.
The Users window will be displayed.
Select a section from the section tree in the left pane.
The users in the selected section are displayed in the right pane.
Select the check box next to the user you want to delete from User List, and click Remove User.
A deletion confirmation message will be displayed.
Click OK.
Navigate to the Users - Delete window. The deletion result will be displayed.
Operation authority is assigned to users.
Operation authority has the following three types. For details, refer to "1.1 Operation Authority".
System account
Section management account
User account
In addition, authority setting of system account can only be performed when login with system account.
The procedure is as follows.
Login to the main menu and click Environment Setup.
The following window is displayed.
Click the Authority Settings button.
The following window is displayed.
Select the authority of the setting target, and then click the Next button.
The following window is displayed.
Select a section in the tree view of the left field.
The users that belong to the selected section are displayed in the right field.
In addition, the user without a password will not be displayed.
Select the user to perform authority setting, and click the OK button.
The user authority will be set.
When confirming the users with authority set, go to step "3." again to operate, and click the Belonging User List tab to confirm.
The List of Belonging Users is displayed.