Sort option
In sort option, the order of outputting the record with the key field of equivalence is irregular.
The record where the value of the key field is the same can be output to input sequence by using the FIFO option.
Environment variable BSORT_FIFO
fifo operand of execution environment option (-option)
optionfunc of BSRTPRIM structure in bsrtopen function
Record summation option
In the record summation option, the summation record is irregularly output from the record of the same key field.
In the bsortex command, the summation record can be specified by the first operand or the last operand of the record summation option.
first operand of record summation option (-summary)
last operand of record summation option (-summary)
Suppression option
In the suppression option, the output record is irregularly output from the record of the same key field.
In the bsortex command, the output record can be specified by the first operand or the last operand of the record summation option.
first operand of record summation option (-summary)
last operand of record summation option (-summary)