There are several differences between the properties of PowerBSORT OCX and PowerBSORT custom control (It is denoted as PowerBSORT VBX). Changes and respective countermeasures are explained below.
List of the deleted properties in PowerBSORT OCX
CompareAsNumber property (specified by the CollationOrder property)
ContainWideChar property (specified by the CollationOrder property)
Action property (specified by the Action method)
List of the properties added
List of the methods added
List of the properties with specified value method changes
Explanation of the properties added
In PowerBSORT VBX, the CompareAsNumber property and ContainWideChar property are specified respectively. However, since they cannot be used at the same time, these 2 properties are combined in the CollationOrder property. For information about CollationOrder property on how to specify each value, refer to the explanation of the CollationOrder property.
Also, in PowerBSORT VBX, the main options of PowerBSORT - the sort option, merge option and copy option - are specified simultaneously when PowerBSORT is made to run. In PowerBSORT OCX, however, the DisposalNumber property is used to specify the processing and the Action method is used to run PowerBSORT.
Property whose method to specify values is changed
The FieldDefinition property is Boolean type in PowerBSORT VBX. It is changed to Integer type in PowerBSORT OCX. For information about how to specify each value, refer to explanation of the FieldDefinition property.
The unit of the UsableMemorySize property is byte in PowerBSORT VBX. It is changed to kilobyte.
Other properties
There are also changes in other properties and they can be specified in the same way as the property in PowerBSORT VBX.
About the DisposalNumber property and the Action method
In PowerBSORT VBX, as for the operation aspect of PowerBSORT, it is executed by the following procedure.
object.Action = 0
In PowerBSORT OCX, after specifying which processing is performed by the DisposalNumber property, call the Action method.
object.DisposalNumber = 0 object.Action
About the FieldDefinition property
The FieldDefinition property in PowerBSORT VBX uses FALSE or TRUE as the set value.
object.FieldDefinition = TRUE
However, in PowerBSORT OCX, 0 or 1 is used.
object.FieldDefinition = 1
About the CollationOrder property
In CollationOrder property, 1 is set to enable the ContainWideChar property in PowerBSORT VBX.
object.ContainWideChar = TRUE
object.CollationOrder = 1
2 is set to enable the CompareAsNumber property in PowerBSORT VBX.
object.CompareAsNumber = TRUE
object.CollationOrder = 2