The BSSELE structure is a structure to define an individual selection field.
typedef struct { unsigned char sele_cmpoprat; unsigned char sele_type1; unsigned char sele_type2; unsigned char sele_option; unsigned long sele_position1; unsigned long sele_length1; union { unsigned long sele_position2; BSPTR_UCHAR sele_literal; } pos2; unsigned long sele_length2; unsigned char sele_trueop; unsigned char sele_falseop; unsigned char sele_mask; unsigned char sele_option2; unsigned long sele_truejmp; unsigned long sele_falsejmp; BSPTR_VOID subfield_addr; } BSSELE;
BSSELE structure member
In the following, it explains about the member of the BSSELE structure.
This specifies the comparison operator.
The following table shows comparison operators and their true conditions.
Comparison operation | Meaning(True condition) |
BSCOND_EQ | Compared field = Comparing field or literal value |
BSCOND_NE | Compared field != Comparing field or literal value |
BSCOND_GT | Compared field > Comparing field or literal value |
BSCOND_GE | Compared field >= Comparing field or literal value |
BSCOND_LT | Compared field < Comparing field or literal value |
BSCOND_LE | Compared field <= Comparing field or literal value |
This specifies the data format of the compared field.
For more information, refer to the Data formats that can be specified in the compared field and comparing field.
This specifies the data format of the comparing field.
For more information, refer to the Data formats that can be specified in the compared field and comparing field. When a literal value is specified for the comparing field, BS_LITERAL is specified for sele_type2.
When the data format of the compared field and comparing field are different, it compares the data after adjusting them to the data format of the compared field.
When the data format of the compared field is character, it compares data in the shorter length of the compared field and comparing field.
When the data format of the compared field is numeric or number, the shorter field of the compared field and comparing field are compared with the longer one after moving to the right end.
This specifies operation of compared field.
It is effective only for text files. Specify the following according to the necessity. When selecting two or more values specify the logical sum.
Define value | Meaning |
BSOPT_BLANK | Blanks and tabs in the head of the field are disregarded. |
BSOPT_DICTIONARY | Only the blank and the alphanumeric character are compared. |
BSOPT_IGNORE | Control character codes are disregarded. |
BSOPT_JUMBO | Lowercase letters are compared as uppercase letters. |
BSOPT_NUMERIC | Character strings of the numbers that contains signs are compared with arithmetic value. The result is not guaranteed when characters other than the numbers exist in the character string. When the data format is ASCII code or Unicode, it can be specified. It is in the exclusive relationship with BSOPT2_WCHR of sele_option2. |
If modify collation sequence (BSKEY_COL) is specified as the data format of the compared field, compared field operations cannot be specified.
This specifies the position of the compared field.
To specify the binary files and text file fixed fields, specify the byte position where the head of the record was assumed to be 0. For the specification of the text file floating field, text file CSV format, and text file TSV format, specify the field number counted from 0.
This specifies the length of the compared field.
For the text file floating field specification, text file CSV format, and text file TSV format, process with the length specified here when the actual fields are longer than the specified field length. When the actual fields are shorter than the specified field length, the actual field length is processed.
In text file CSV format and text file TSV format specification, the length of the compared field does not contain double quotation marks (") that enclose the field. When two consecutive double quotation marks ("") are included in the field, they are interpreted as one double quotation mark (").
Example: Compared field and length in text file CSV format
Compared field Characters effective as compared field Length of compared field ABC ABC 3bytes "ABC" ABC 3bytes "A""B""C" A"B"C 5bytes "A,B,C" A,B,C 5bytes
This specifies the position of the comparing field.
To specify the binary files and text file fixed fields, specify the byte position where the head of the record was assumed to be 0. For the specification of the text file floating field, text file CSV format, and text file TSV format, specify the field number counted from 0.
pos2.sele_literal is defined in a union. When a literal value is specified, set in pos2.sele_literal.
This specifies the address of a literal value.
pos2.sele_position2 is defined in a union. When specifying other values than literal value, set in pos2.sele_position2.
When you specify a text file fixed field, literal values cannot contain record separation character.
When you specify a text file floating field, literal values cannot contain field separation character or record separation character.
For text file CSV format and text file TSV format, double quotation marks (") do not need to enclose literal values.
This specifies the length of the comparing field or a literal value.
For the text file floating field specification, text file CSV format, and text file TSV format, process with the length specified here when the actual fields are longer than the specified field length. When the actual fields are shorter than the specified field length, the actual field length is processed.
In text file CSV format and text file TSV format specification, the length of the comparing field does not contain double quotation marks (") that enclose the field. When two consecutive double quotation marks ("") are included in the field, they are interpreted as one double quotation mark (").
Example: Comparing field and length in text file CSV format
Comparing field Characters effective as comparing field Length of comparing field ABC ABC 3bytes "ABC" ABC 3bytes "A""B""C" A"B"C 5bytes "A,B,C" A,B,C 5bytes
This specifies processing when a comparison result is true.
Specify the definition value that shows the end of the comparison processing in sele_trueop and sele_falseop of the last entry. For information about the processing of the comparison result, refer to the following table.
Type of processing | Define value | Meaning |
INCLUDE | BSSEL_INCLUDE | This shows the end of the comparison processing. And, it is shown to process the record. |
OMIT | BSSEL_OMIT | This shows the end of the comparison processing. And, it is shown not to process the record. |
Processing next field | BSSEL_NEXT | This shows to move to the next comparison processing. |
Skipping to specified selection field | BSSEL_JUMP | This shows to move to the specified comparison processing. |
This specifies processing when a comparison result is false.
Specify the definition value that shows the end of the comparison processing in sele_trueop and sele_falseop of the last entry. For information about the processing of the comparison result, refer to the Method of processing comparison result.
This is an unsupported member. Do not set anything.
This specifies operation of the compared field.
This member is in the exclusive relationship with BSOPT_NUMERIC of sele_option. Specify the following according to the necessity.
Define value | Meaning |
BSOPT2_WCHR | Even if there are consecutive multi-byte characters, each character is compared. |
If modify collation sequence (BSKEY_COL) is specified as the data format of the compared field, sele_option2 cannot be specified.
This specifies the jumping destination when BSSEL_JUMP is specified for sele_trueop.
If i is specified for sele_truejmp, processing moves to the selection field of sele_entry[i] when the comparison result is a true. The value within the range of entry number from +1 to entry_no-1 is set in sele_truejmp.
This specifies the jumping destination when BSSEL_JUMP is specified for sele_falseop.
If i is specified for sele_falsejmp, processing moves to the selection field of sele_entry[i] when the comparison result is a false. The value within the range of entry number from +1 to entry_no-1 is set in sele_falsejmp.
When using the modify collation sequence function, this specifies the address of the BSCOL structure that defined the modify collation sequence.
The modify collation sequence function can be used when BSKEY_COL is specified in sele_type1 or sele_type2.
One selection field expresses one logical expression. Therefore, the compound condition can be specified by specifying two or more selection fields. The specification method when the record where it meets the compound condition is selected is shown as follows.
Compound condition
(Logical expression 1 AND Logical expression 2) OR Logical expression 3 AND:Logical product OR:Logical sum
Specification method
entry_no = 3 [0] Logical expression 1 true BSSEL_NEXT false BSSEL_JUMP 2 [1] Logical expression 2 true BSSEL_INCLUDE false BSSEL_NEXT [2] Logical expression 3 true BSSEL_INCLUDE false BSSEL_OMIT