PowerCOBOL V11.0 User's Guide
FUJITSU Software

10.1.4 Determining Which Methods are Available for a Specific Control

The PowerCOBOL on-line help system additionally provides a useful facility for determining which methods are available for a specific type of control.

For example, if you bring up the help system and go to the Index tab and type in Static Text, you may then select the help information available for this control.

You will note in this dialog box lists of all of the properties, methods, and events available for this object.

These lists contain live linked items, and you may simply click on any one of these items to be taken directly to help information for it.

It is important to understand that methods are only available for objects (controls) when they make sense. For example, the ODBC methods are only available for an ODBC database object.

You cannot invoke an ODBC method on a static text control, as it would make no sense to do so. Therefore, the ODBC methods are not available for interaction with a static text control object.