PowerCOBOL V11.0 User's Guide
FUJITSU Software

10.1.3 Determining Which Methods are Available and How to Use Them

The PowerCOBOL on-line help system provides an excellent resource for accessing information on available methods and how to use them, including information on parameter formats and values, along with return codes.

To access this information from anywhere within the PowerCOBOL development environment, simply move the mouse to the Help pulldown menu and select Help Topic.

Select the Methods Index of Contents. The right-hand pane lists all of the current methods available in PowerCOBOL in alphabetic order. Simply click on the method you are interested in learning about to see a full explanation.

This pane lists all of the current methods available in PowerCOBOL in alphabetic order. Simply click on the method you are interested in learning about to see a full explanation.

It also shows you the COBOL syntax required to use each method.

The information on backward compatibility relates to previous releases of PowerCOBOL.

In searching for information on specific methods, you may alternatively use the Search or Index tab and type in the name of the method you are searching for help on.

For example, if you are looking for information on the Clear method, you may click on the Index tab in the Help window and type in Clear.

As you type this in, the index will move automatically to the text item you are typing.

You may then select Clear Method in the dialog box and you will be taken to information on this method.

Using the help system, it is easy to find information on methods. You may even select, cut, and paste the code examples from the help dialog box directly into your PowerCOBOL edit sessions.