The next task is to define the two command buttons. (Refer to the example in Figure 8.14, which shows the completed form.)
Find the CommandButton control icon in the Toolbox palette and click on it with the left mouse button. Move the mouse back to the form and 'drop' the first command button near the upper right corner of the form.
Right-click the mouse on it and select Properties from the pop-up menu.
Change the control's caption from "CmCommand1" to "Retrieve" and the control's name value from "CmCommand1" to "PUSH-RETRIEVE" (under the Common tab).
Repeat the above process to place a second CommandButton control near the lower right corner of the sheet. Change the control's caption to "Close" and the control's name value to "PUSH-CLOSE" (under the Common tab).
The form should now look like the example shown in Figure 8.14. You have now completed developing the graphical user interface for the application. The next step is to write the required event procedures to tie the application together.
Close the Form Editor by selecting Close from the File menu. Return to the PowerCOBOL Project Manager window, which should now appear something like the following:
Figure 8.18 The Project Manager window after defining the GUI interface