PowerCOBOL V11.0 User's Guide
FUJITSU Software

5.1.1 Steps in Writing an Event Procedure

Writing an event procedure involves the following steps:

  1. Right-click the mouse on the control you want to create an event procedure for and select Edit Event Procedure from the pop-up menu.

  2. Choose the action (event) you want to associate with the control from the secondary pop-up menu that appears. The PowerCOBOL Editor window will appear.

  3. In the Editor window, 'drag and drop' related controls and write the COBOL statements to describe the actions associated with the selected control or form. You can also select potential properties and methods to be applied to the control or form. See "Writing an Event Procedure" and "Inserting Properties and Methods" for more details on writing event procedures.

  4. Save and close the Editor window to save the event procedure.


Repeat the above steps to program additional events for a specific control or form.