By selecting Go to Line from the Navigate menu or pressing the Ctrl + L keys, you can move to a specified line number or sequence number.
To jump to a specified line number or sequence number in a fixed or variable format file:
Select "Navigate" > "Go to Line..." from the menu bar. The "Go to Line" dialog box appears.
Select "Line Number" to enter a line number in the "Enter line number" field, or select "Sequence Number" to enter a sequence number in the "Enter Sequence number" field. The default selection is Sequence Number.
If the sequence number is represented by zeros followed by integers, you can jump to the line by entering just the integer part of the number, without the leading zeros. For example, if the sequence number is 000100, you can enter 100 instead of 000100.
After selecting to move to the specified line, click the "OK" button to close the dialog box. The cursor moves to the beginning of the specified line. Select the "Cancel" button to close the dialog box without moving to the specified line.
The range of sequence numbers that can be specified for a fixed or variable format file is displayed in the header of the "Enter Sequence number" field.