NetCOBOL V11.0 NetCOBOL Studio User's Guide
FUJITSU Software

5.10 Reference Formats

When the COBOL editor is used to create or edit a COBOL source file, the file format conforms to the rules specified under a reference format. The COBOL editor supports the following two reference formats:

Specifying a reference format

To specify a reference format:

  1. Select "Window" > "Preferences" from the menu bar. The "Preferences" dialog box appears.

  2. Select "COBOL" > "Editor" in the left pane. The "Editor" page is displayed.

  3. Click the "Reference Format" tab. The "Reference Format" page is displayed.

  4. Select "Fixed format ", "Variable format" or "Free format" for the "Reference format".

"SRF and TAB compile option setting to be consistent with the applicable editor setting" checkbox

If it is checked, the value of SRF is consistent with "Reference Format" setting, and the value of TAB is consistent with "Tab width" setting. And if it is not checked, these changing settings do not occur.

COBOL editor operation for the fixed format

In the fixed format:

COBOL editor operation for the variable format

In the variable format:

COBOL editor operation for the free format

In the free format:


A reference format can be changed. If changes have been made in a file but not yet saved, a message prompting the user to save the changes in the file is displayed before the reference format is changed.

To save the changes made in the file and then change the reference format, click the Yes button. To change the reference format without saving the changes, click the No button.