NetCOBOL V11.0 NetCOBOL Studio User's Guide
FUJITSU Software

5.5.1 Renumbering Lines

The initial value and increment value for numbering can be changed, and lines can be renumbered. The maximum increment value is 999999.

Renumbering lines

To renumber lines:

  1. Select "Edit" > "Renumber" from the menu bar, or press the "Ctrl + R" keys. The "Renumber" dialog box appears.

  2. Specify values for Initial Value and Increment Value.

  3. Click the "Renumber" button to renumber the lines and close the dialog box. To close the dialog box without renumbering the lines, click the "Cancel" button.


By default, 10 is set for Initial Value, and 10 is set for Increment Value. If the values set for Initial Value and Increment Value would result in a line number equal to or greater than 999999 in a file, an error message is displayed in the Renumber dialog box.