For migrating an existing Solaris 8 or Solaris 9 environment to the non-global zone, perform the following preparations.
There are the following two types of procedures to create the non-global zone:
Migrating an existing Solaris 8 environment to Containers
Migrating an existing Solaris 9 environment to Containers
Before migrating it, perform the following steps. For details, see "System Administration Guide: Oracle Solaris 9 Containers" or "System Administration Guide: Oracle Solaris 8 Containers."
Perform the following in the global zone on each node.
Mount the DVD medium of PRIMECLUSTER and convert the format of packages.
<DVD_DIR> is a directory that the DVD is mounted and <PKG_DIR> is a given directory to store packages.
# pkgtrans <DVD_DIR>/Solaris10/products/CF_NGZ/sparc <PKG_DIR>/FSUNclnet.str FSUNclnet
If migrating an existing Solaris 8 or Solaris 9 to Containers, Solaris 8 Containers or Solaris 9 Containers are used. With the following procedure, check that a run time environment of Solaris 8 Containers or Solaris 9 Containers has been installed to the global zone. After that install packages below (download them from Oracle download site).
For installing Solaris 8 Containers
Checking a run time environment for Solaris 8 Containers. Execute the following commands to check that the package information is displayed.
# pkginfo SUNWs8brandr # pkginfo SUNWs8brandu
If the package information is not displayed, check that the operating system in the global zone has been installed correctly.
Install the SUNWs8brandk package for Solaris 8 Containers. <DIR> is used for placing the package.
# pkgadd -d <DIR> SUNWs8brandk
For installing Solaris 9 Containers
Checking a run time environment for Solaris 9 Containers. Execute the following commands to check that the package information is displayed.
# pkginfo SUNWs9brandr
# pkginfo SUNWs9brandu
If the package information is not displayed, check that the operating system in the global zone has been installed correctly.
Install the SUNWs9brandk package for Solaris 9 Containers. <DIR> is used for placing the package.
# pkgadd -d <DIR> SUNWs9brandk
Create a flash archive from the migration source's Solaris 8 environment or Solaris 9 environment. Execute the following commands in the migration source environment to create the flash archive.
# flarcreate -S -n zone-a-system /var/tmp/zone-a-system.flar
current filter settings Creating the archive... 8303358 blocks Archive creation complete.
Transfer the created flash archive (zone-a-system.flar) to the desired folder in the global zone.
When migrating the environment that used the other cluster software in the migration source to the new PRIMECLUSTER environment, follow the specification of the cluster software and delete it from the environment in the migration source if necessary. Then, create a Flash Archive.