PRIMECLUSTER  Installation and Administration Guide4.3

13.2.3 Preparations for Migrating an Existing Solaris Environment to a Non-Global Zone

If migrating an existing Solaris 10 or Solaris 11 environment to the non-global zone, perform the following preparations. For details on the procedures, see Oracle Solaris documents. Creating an Archive on the Migration Source Node

Create an archive in the migration source's Solaris 10 or Solaris 11 environment. For the method on creating the archive, the type of the supported archive, and notes on the migration, see Oracle Solaris documents. The created archive is used for inputting the zoneadm command when installing the OS to the non-global zone.

Example) To archive the UFS root file system in Solaris 10 environment.

# cd /
# flarcreate -S -n zone-a-system /var/tmp/zone-a-system.flar
current filter settings
Creating the archive...
8303358 blocks
Archive creation complete.

Transfer the created archive (zone-a-system.flar) to the desired folder in the global zone.


When mirroring the system disk using GDS on the migration source node, it is not necessary to cancel the system disk mirroring when creating an archive.