NetCOBOL V11.0 Getting Started
FUJITSU Software

A.23 Sample 22: Multi-Thread Programming (Advanced usage)

In sample 22, the program in sample 21 is enhanced to demonstrate an online store.

The sample uses multi-thread programming functions as well as functions for programming the Web.

Please refer to "NetCOBOL Web Guide" and "NetCOBOL ISAPI Subroutines User's Guide" for details of the Web functions.

Please refer to Chapter 22 "Multithread Programs" of the "NetCOBOL User's Guide" for details of the multithreading programming functions.

This example also outputs an event log using the function “COB_REPORT_EVENT”.

This function is described in Appendix H of the “NetCOBOL User's Guide”.

To use this sample, the following products are needed on the client side and the server side.

Client side

Server side


The sample program consists of the following five parts.

Available Programs

Process Flow

  1. Business start and end

  2. Online store

Applicable COBOL Functions

Applicable COBOL Statements


Building the Program

The Project Manager's Build function is used to create the executable program.

In the following screens, the user has installed the COBOL system in C:\NetCOBOL.

Your install location may be different.

  1. The Project Manager is started.

  2. The project file "OLSAPL.PRJ" is opened.

  3. The project file is selected, and "Compiler options" is selected from the "Project"-"Options" menu.

    The "Compiler options" dialog is displayed.

  4. Compiler option THREAD(MULTI), SHREXT and ALPHAL(WORD) are specified.

    Click the OK button.

  5. "Build" is selected from Project Manager's "Project" menu.

    Please confirm each DLL (dynamic link library) registered in the project is created.

  6. Next, The project file "ISAPIAPL.PRJ" is opened

  7. The compiler option dialog is displayed as in step 3 above. The compiler option THREAD(MULTI), SHREXT, and ALPHAL(WORD) are specified. Modify the folder name of the library file specified with the compiler option LIB. After confirmation, the OK button is clicked.

  8. "Build" is selected from Project Manager's "Project" menu.

    Please confirm each DLL (dynamic link library) registered in the project is built.

Executing the Program

It is assumed that the domain-name and virtual directory name are registered in IIS (Internet Information Server) as "user" and "sample22" respectively.

In this example uses Microsoft® Internet Explorer as the WWW browser.

  1. Online store is started.

    The following information is set in theURL.


    Then click "Set starting business".

    When clicked, the online store is started. Please do the "Set starting business" before starting online shopping.

  2. Online store is started.

    The following information is set in URL and the "Execute" key is pushed.


    Because the screen of an online store is displayed, the catalog shopping is clicked.

    When Catalog Shopping is clicked, the member authentication screen is displayed.

    After the screen is displayed, the User ID and password are input. Click the "OK" button.

    Valid User ID’s are USER0001 to USER0030. The password is the same as the user ID.

    When the "OK" button is clicked, the catalog screen is displayed. The catalog screen shows you the various PC’s and their quantities available for ordering. To place an order, select one or more products and enter an order quantity, then press the “Order” button.

    When the "Order" button is clicked, the order confirmation screen is displayed. The content of the order is confirmed and the "Order issue" button is clicked.

    When the "Order issue" button is clicked, the order result screen is displayed.

  3. Online shopping is terminated.

    The following information is set in URL and the "Execute" key is pressed.


    Because the administrator menu screen is displayed, the "Set ending business" is clicked.

Creating an Event Log

In this exercise, detailed information of errors detected by the program is output to an event log by using the event log output subroutine. Note that the Event Viewer discussed below is only available on Windows Vista, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008 and Windows XP.

  1. The log of the application is selected by starting the Event Viewer from the Administrative Tools.

  2. Detailed information is displayed when the source selects the log of "NetCOBOL Application", and double-clicks it.