NetCOBOL V11.0 Getting Started
FUJITSU Software

A.1 Using the Sample Program Projects

There are project files for each sample COBOL application. You can compile and link any of them through the following steps:

  1. Select the project file (by double clicking on it) under the appropriate samples directory. For instance, the project file for Sample 1 will be on the drive where you installed the product, under

    %install_path%\Samples\cobol\Sample01; the filename is sample01.prj

    (%install_path% is “C:\Program Files\Fujitsu NetCOBOL for Windows” in default).

  2. Once you have loaded the project file into COBOL Project Manager, you can build (compile and link) the programs in the project by selecting Build from the Project menu, or by pressing the F7 key. Refer to the section on Using Project Manager in Chapter 1, “A Quick Tour” for more details as well as the “NetCOBOL User’s Guide.”

  3. All sample projects have the TEST compiler option set, so once you build the projects you can monitor their execution under the COBOL Debugger by selecting Debug from the Project menu in COBOL Project Manager. See the description of debugging in Chapter 1, “A Quick Tour” for more details as well as the “NetCOBOL Debugging Guide.”

  4. To execute the program select Execute from the Project menu. You need to have the Project or the .EXE file selected in the project tree for the Execute function to be enabled.

The description for each sample usually includes instructions to step you through one or more aspects of the program and include different demonstrations of using the tools that come with NetCOBOL.