Systemwalker Operation Manager  Installation Guide
FUJITSU Software

Enterprise Edition2.6.4 Deleting the Subsystem Environment [UNIX]


The existing multiple-subsystem operating environment for UNIX can be deleted.

Definition procedure

Advance tasks when the Master Schedule Management function is enabled

If the Master Schedule Management function has been enabled and the subsystem to be deleted is being operated using either daily schedule management or daily schedule management (test mode), perform the following tasks according to the environment being used.

When the environment is built as a management server

In a Master Schedule Management Environment Setup dialog box that is connected to the management server, clear all of the schedule servers that have been registered with the subsystem to be deleted.

Refer to "Change to Normal Schedule" in the Systemwalker Operation Manager User's Guide - Master Schedule Management for information on removing the schedule server.

When the environment is built as a schedule server

In a Master Schedule Management Environment Setup dialog box that is connected to the management server, clear the applicable schedule server out of the schedule servers that have been registered with the subsystem to be deleted. When the schedule server is cleared, a dialog box will be displayed asking whether to restart the Jobscheduler daemon, but there is no need to restart it.

Refer to "Change to Normal Schedule" in the Systemwalker Operation Manager User's Guide - Master Schedule Management for information on clearing the schedule server.

Removing procedure

Use the following steps to delete the subsystem environment.

  1. Stop the daemon of Systemwalker Operation Manager.

    When you are using a non-cluster system, use the poperationmgr command to stop it.

    When you are using a cluster system, use the poperationmgr command and take the cluster application/resource group/cluster service registered in the cluster system offline to stop it. For more information, refer to the Systemwalker Operation Manager Cluster Application Guide - "Start/Shutdown of Daemon in a Cluster System".

  2. Delete the following directories and files.

    In a cluster system, the shared disk is released if the daemon is stopped. Therefore, mount the shared disk first, then delete the following directories and files.

    1. Calendar control information files (See Note)

      Solaris version : /var/opt/FJSVjmcal/post/sysn/*.dat
      HP-UX version   : /opt/FHPjmcal/post/sysn/*.dat
      Linux version   : /var/opt/FJSVjmcal/post/sysn/*.dat
      AIX version     : /opt/FAIXjmcal/post/sysn/*.dat
      n: Subsystem number 1 to 9 to be deleted
      If the calendar control information directory is deleted, no directory is created when the same subsystem is recreated.
    2. Jobscheduler database directory

      Solaris version : /var/opt/FJSVJOBSC/JOBDBn
      HP-UX version   : /opt/FHPJOBSCH/db/JOBDBn
      Linux version   : /var/opt/FJSVJOBSC/JOBDBn
      AIX version     : /usr/FAIXJOBSC/db/JOBDBn
      n: Subsystem number 1 to 9 to be deleted
    3. Job Execution Control spool directory

      Solaris version : /var/opt/FJSVMJS/var/spool/mjes/mjesn
      HP-UX version   : /opt/FHPMJS/var/spool/mjes/mjesn
      Linux version   : /var/opt/FJSVMJS/var/spool/mjes/mjesn
      AIX version     : /opt/FAIXMJS/var/spool/mjes/mjesn
      n: Subsystem number 1 to 9 to be deleted
    4. Job Execution Control operating information directory

      Solaris version : /etc/opt/FJSVMJS/etc/mjes/mjesn
      HP-UX version   : /opt/FHPMJS/etc/mjes/mjesn
      Linux version   : /etc/opt/FJSVMJS/etc/mjes/mjesn
      AIX version     : /opt/FAIXMJS/etc/mjes/mjesn
      n: Subsystem number 1 to 9 to be deleted
    5. Master Schedule Management database directory (Only when the Master Schedule Management function is enabled)

      Solaris version : /var/opt/FJSVstem/stemDBn
      HP-UX version   : /var/opt/FJSVstem/stemDBn
      Linux version   : /var/opt/FJSVstem/stemDBn
      AIX version     : /var/opt/FJSVstem/stemDBn
      n: Subsystem number 1 to 9 to be deleted
  3. Delete subsystem port numbers.

    Delete subsystem port numbers created in the /etc/services file at "2.6.2 Assigning Subsystem Port Numbers".