This section explains the definition required for multi-subsystem operations.
The number of Systemwalker Operation Manager service processes increases according to the number of subsystems, increasing the risk of the desktop heap being depleted. Adjust the size of the desktop heap if, as a result of the desktop heap being exhausted, the service fails to start or jobs terminate abnormally with exception code 0xC0000142. There is no particular method for estimating an appropriate value for the size of the desktop heap, so increase the size gradually in units of 256 KB or 512 KB.
When adding a subsystem to the currently operating Systemwalker Operation Manager server, you must restart Systemwalker Operation Manager after the definition has been done, therefore your change valid.
If you operate subsystems in the Windows system, you must change the shutdown exit according to your application. For the modification of shutdown exit, refer to the Systemwalker Operation Manager Reference Guide.