Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

7.1.5 The Action is not Executed (Mail)

Applicable versions and levels

Action 1

Check if the error message below was output.

Error message

MpAosfB: ERROR: 3052: Failed to connect to SMTP server. Server name: xxxxx Reason: No such file or directory

Points to check

Check the following:

Action method

Execute the ping command for the host name or IP address specified in SMTP Server Name on the Mail tab of the Action Environment Setup dialog box to check if communication is possible. If that is not the case, specify a valid host name or IP address in SMTP Server Name.

Additionally, if the SMTP sever name has been specified in the hosts file defined in the system, ensure that IP address is correct.

Action 2

Check if the error message below was output.

Error message

MpAosfB: ERROR: 3053 Error occurred in communication process of SMTP server. Server name: xxxx Reason: 451 access currently denied

Points to check

Does the SMTP server being used require POP authentication?

Action method

The send mail action does not support POP authentication (POP before SMTP). Use an SMTP server that does not require POP authentication.

Action 3

Check if the error message below was output.

Error message

MpAosfB: ERROR: 3053: Error occurred in communication process of SMTP server. Server name: xxxx Reason: 501 unacceptable mail address

Points to check

Is the address format of Sender's Mail Address allowed by the SMTP server?

Action method

Emails cannot be sent if the address format specified in the Sender's Mail Address field on the Mail tab of the Action Environment Setup dialog box does not match the address formats allowed by the SMTP server.

The format and content allowed in the Sender's Mail Address field vary according to the degree of security implemented on the SMTP server. Contact the SMTP server administrator for information on allowed formats.


Ensure that the address is specified using the format "@domain". If the domain name (@ and thereafter) is omitted, providers that perform preventive measures against spam will refuse the email, and therefore it will not reach the intended recipient.

Action 4

Check if the error message below was output.

Error message

MpAosfB: ERROR: 3053: Error occurred in communication process of SMTP server.

Server name: xxxx Reason: 553 sorry, that domain isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts (#5.7.1)

Points to check

Does the SMTP server being used require POP authentication?


The above error message may be output when authentication is not performed on an SMTP server that requires POP authentication.

Action method

POP authentication is not supported. Specify an SMTP server that does not require POP authentication.

Action 5

Check if the error message below was output.

Error message

MpAosfB: ERROR: 3058: SMTP server returned an error. Server name: XXXXX Reason: 550 5.7.1 <> ... Relaying denied. IP name lookup

failed [XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]

Points to check

Check the following:

Action method

The email sent from the SMTP server was refused. Contact the SMTP server administrator for information on the cause.

Additionally, the send mail action does not support POP authentication (POP before SMTP). Use an SMTP server that does not require POP authentication.

Action 6

Check if the error message below was output.

Error message

MpAosfB: ERROR: 3058: SMTP server returned an error. Server name: xxxx Cause: 550 5.7.1 <>... Relaying denied: Use POP before SMTP or SMTP-AUTH

Points to check

Was an SMTP server that requires POP or SMTP authentication specified?

Action method

POP and SMTP authentication are not supported. Specify an SMTP server that does not require POP or SMTP authentication.

Action 7

Points to check

Was a dialup connection used?


Dialup connections are not supported.

Action 8

Points to check

Does the address specified in Sender's Mail Address exist?

Action method

Specify an existing address in Sender's Mail Address.


If a general provider server is specified as the SMTP server, email from non-existing addresses may be discarded by the provider as a preventive measure against spam.

Action 9

Points to check

Was an error email notified to the address specified in Sender's Mail Address?

Action method

If an error has occurred on the route used to send emails or the email was refused, information about it will be notified to the address specified in Sender's Mail Address. Take action according to the email.

Action 10

Points to check

Is the email address defined as the recipient correct?

Action method

Set the correct email recipient by checking once more for differences in uppercase/lowercase, and running a spellcheck.

Action 11

Points to check

Does the recipient have an external email address?

Action method

When sending email outside the corporate network, ensure that the address specified in Sender's Mail Address has outgoing transmission privilege.

Action 12

Points to check

Is the SMTP server running?

Action method

Check if the SMTP server is running. If it is not running, then start it and send the email again.

Action 13

Points to check

Is there a firewall between the email sender and the SMTP server?

Action method

Set a firewall so that communication is possible using the SMTP port number defined in the service file.

Alternatively, specify an SMTP server for which a firewall has not been set.

Action 14

Points to check

Have SMTP Server Name and Sender's Mail Address been set correctly?

Action method

On the Mail tab of the Action Environment Setup dialog box, specify a valid value for SMTP Server Name and Sender's Mail Address.