Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

7.1.3 The Action is not Executed (Pager Notification/Short Mail)

If the dial tone cannot be detected (because the modem settings are invalid, for example), an error message will be output.

Applicable versions and levels

Pager Notification

Short Mail

Error message

MpAosfB: ERROR: 4109: Cannot detect dial tone from telephone line. Control number: xxxxx Host name: xxxxx

Action 1

If the modem is connected to an extension line, when the pager notification/short mail is dialed, the modem may not be able to detect the dial tone because of the extension switch specification. In this case, set the dial command without waiting for the dial tone to be detected in the "modem initialization AT command". Refer to the installation guide of the modem you are using for information on the commands. (Example: AT&fX3)

Action 2

Check if the error message below was output.

Error message

MpAosfB: ERROR: 3110: There is no response from the telephone line.

Action method

On the COM Port tab of the Action Environment Setup dialog box, check the content specified for COM Port Number, and then specify an appropriate value.