Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

5.6.10 Error Message "MpMjes: F3CUB_LOG_PIPE write system error occurred." is Output [UNIX versions]

Error message

MpMjes: ERROR: 10093: F3CUB_LOG_PIPE write error occurred. error code=<error code>

Applicable versions and levels


Points to check

Has the log file (job execution history information file) under /var/spool/mjes/hist been generated as a zero-byte file, even though the job is still running?


This message is output if the job execution history information cannot be output when the system load is heavy. It is not possible to write to the job execution history information file, therefore, the file size will be 0 bytes.

Action method

If the job execution history information is required, restart the Job Execution Control daemon when the job is not running.