Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

5.6.2 "MpMjes: ERROR: 10091 [UNIX versions] or 1011 [Windows versions]: The continuous execution modes of each server are not unified." is Output

Error message

MpMjes: ERROR: 10091: The continuous execution modes of each server are not unified.
MpMjes: ERROR: 1011: The continuous execution modes of each server are not unified.

Applicable versions and levels


Points to check

Have the continuous execution modes on the schedule server (request source) and the execution server (request destination) been unified?


This message is output on the schedule server when a network job is submitted and the continuous execution modes have not been unified on the schedule server and the execution server.

Action method

Unify the continuous execution modes on the schedule server and the execution server. Refer to "jmmode Continuous Execution Mode Switching Command" in the Reference Guide for information on how to switch the continuous execution mode.