Error message
Unable to find the job file specified. Job not queued |
Applicable versions and levels
Windows versions: V10.0L10 or later
Solaris versions: 10.0 or later
Linux versions: V10.0L10 or later
Linux for Itanium versions: V12.0L10 or later
HP-UX versions: 10.0 or later
AIX versions: 10.0 or later
Points to check
Check if the job meets all the following conditions:
It is a network job.
Transmission of execution command in the Detail information tab of the Add/Change - Job window is selected.
In the Command field in the Standard information tab of the Add/Change - Job window, the job was not specified using the full path. (The path information is not included.)
In the Directory field in the Standard information tab of the Add/Change - Job window, the name of the directory in which the jobs are stored on the schedule server is set.
The directory in which the jobs are stored is not set in the job folder.
If migration is performed from a version of V5.0L30/5.2 or earlier to a version of V10.0L10/10.0 or later, the job moves to the directory specified when it is registered, and the job does not execute in the default behavior setting.
Action method
Take action using one of the following methods:
In the Operation information >> Backward compatibility tab of the Systemwalker Operation Manager environment setup client (V11.0L10/11.0 or later), or the Operation information >> Options tab of the Systemwalker Operation Manager environment setup client (V10.0L10/10.0 to V10.0L21/10.1), clear Before job execution, change to directory specified at job registration to restart the Systemwalker Operation Manager server in initialization mode next time.
In the Command field in the Standard information tab of the Add/Change - Job window, define the command name by specifying the full path.
Set the directory specified in the Directory field in the Standard information tab of the Add/Change - Job window as the job folder on the schedule server.