Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

5.3.8 After JCL is Executed, the "Insufficient space for file name.line=nnn. job not queued." Error Message is Output, and the JCL Does Not Start

Error message

Insufficient space for file name. line=<nnn>.(<nnn> is the JCL line number)

Job not queued.

Applicable versions and levels


Points to check


When the JCL syntax is interpreted, an area that manages the file statement information per individual step is allocated. If a large number of file statements is defined, or a long file name is defined in the file statement, the number of characters that can manage the information exceeds the limit. As a result, an error message may be output and the job may fail to start.

Action method

Reduce the number of lines for the file statement specified in the step, or consider making each file name specified in the file statement shorter.