Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

5.2.11 The Job Ends Abnormally with Code 0x40000913 [Windows versions]

Applicable versions and levels

Check all applicable actions below to resolve the issue.

Action 1

Points to check

Have the settings that are required to execute the job with owner rights been set?


If the settings that are required to execute the job with owner rights have not been set, the job ends abnormally with code 0x40000913.

Action method

To execute the job with owner rights, configure the settings according to the following procedure:

  1. Select Execute jobs under the respective job owner's authority in the Options tab of the Define Operating Information window, which is displayed when Operation information is clicked in the Systemwalker Operation Manager Environment Setup window. For a network job from one Windows server to another Windows server, to execute the job with owner rights, select the corresponding check box for both the schedule server and the execution server.

  2. When the Define Operating Information window is closed, the Set Startup Mode of Job Execution Control dialog box will be displayed. Select Enable the saved operating information definitions from the next startup. (in version levels of V10.0L21 or earlier), and then click OK.

  3. From the Control subject box in the Systemwalker Operation Manager Environment Setup window, select Job execution control, and then click Start to restart the same service (at this time, the Jobscheduler service is also restarted).

  4. Register the job owner set for the project (Jobscheduler definition item) or job folder (Job Execution Control definition item) in the Define Job Owner's Information Window, which will be displayed when Job owner is clicked in the Systemwalker Operation Manager Environment Setup window. For a network job from one Windows server to another Windows server, to execute the job with owner rights, register the job owner on the schedule server.

  5. Grant the "Log on as a batch job" right to the account used as the job startup account. Even for domain users, perform this operation on both the server that will submit the jobs and the server that will execute them.
    Use the following to configure the settings:

    • Click Control Panel >> Administrative Tools, and open Local Security Policy

      • If the server that executes the job is the domain controller, configure the settings in the domain security policy.

      • If the server that executes the job is the domain server, configure the settings in the local security policy.

Action 2

Points to check

Was the domain controller (PDC, BDC) stopped or restarted while the job was running in a state where the domain user was specified as the effective user of the job?


If the domain controller was stopped or restarted while the job was running, the user authentication processing to the primary domain controller returns an error, and the job ends abnormally with code 0x40000913.

Action method

Do not stop or restart the domain controller while the job is running.

Stop or restart the domain controller during a period when the job is not running.

Action 3

Points to check

Has an error occurred in Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS)?


If WINS is not operating normally, Job Execution Control cannot recognize the domain controller and the job ends abnormally with code 0x40000913.

Action method

Take action according to the WINS error.

Action 4

Points to check

Was a mistake made in the trust host definition?


For a network job, if the trust host definition on the execution server side is invalid because a mistake was made in the definition, the job will not be executed.

Action method

Check if the host name defined in the trust host matches the host name output when the hostname command was executed on the schedule server (if the schedule server is UNIX, this is the uname -n command).