Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

5.1.1 I do not Understand the Meaning of the Job Completion Code

Applicable versions and levels



In addition to the application completion code, a completion code specific to Jobscheduler and Job Execution Control may be displayed as the job completion code.

Action method

The job completion codes specific to Jobscheduler and Job Execution Control are explained below. Completion codes not mentioned here are set by the application, so check the meaning of the completion code in the documentation for the application.

The job completion codes are also explained in the following manuals. Use these in conjunction with this document.

Jobscheduler completion codes

Of the job completion codes, the values between 201 and 256 are set in Jobscheduler. The job completion codes returned by Jobscheduler, and their meanings, are shown below.

[Windows versions]

Completion code


201 - 231

The job has ended abnormally.

232 - 238

Unused (reserved by Jobscheduler).


The Jobscheduler service stopped while executing the job. (*1)

240 - 241

Unused (reserved by Jobscheduler).


Copy and startup of the job net failed.

243 - 244

The job you requested Job Execution Control to execute has failed.


The variable parameter, job definition variable, or job net variable value contains invalid characters.
Alternatively, the full path has not been specified for the job standard output file name or standard error output file name.


As a result of replacing a variable parameter, job definition variable, or job net variable, the upper limit for the string length was exceeded.
Alternatively, the upper limit (640) that can be retained by the job net variable was exceeded.


Failed to read/write the job definition variable information or the job net variable.


While waiting for OR conditions, the succeeding job starts because one of the preceding jobs has already ended normally. As a result, the job ends without these conditions being met.


While waiting for OR conditions, one of the preceding jobs ends abnormally. As a result, the conditions cannot be evaluated and the job ends.


The specified job does not exist.

251 - 254

Unused (reserved by Jobscheduler).


The job completion code is 256 or more. (*2)


The job was canceled.

*1: If backup is performed while a job is executing, and the information that is backed up is restored, the job that is executing ends abnormally with completion code 239.

*2: If the actual completion code is 256 or more, the following is displayed in the Job History window:

... ended code=255.(Actual completion code)

[UNIX versions]

Completion code


201 - 231

[Job Execution Control attribute]
The job ended abnormally.
[Normal attribute]
The job ended with a signal. The completion code is "200 + signal number". However, if the completion code is 201, 213, 218, 224, 226, or 227, it is ignored by Jobscheduler.

232 - 237

Unused (reserved by Jobscheduler).


Failed to set the job net administrator rights (initgroups system call).


Jobscheduler daemon stopped while executing the job. (*1)

240 - 241

Unused (reserved by Jobscheduler).


Copy and startup of the job net failed.

243 - 244

Failed to execute the job.


The variable parameter, job definition variable, or job net variable value contains invalid characters.
Alternatively, the full path has not been specified for the job standard output file name or standard error output file name.


As a result of replacing a variable parameter, job definition variable, or job net variable, the upper limit for the string length was exceeded. Alternatively, the upper limit (640) that can be retained by the job net variable was exceeded.


Failed to read/write the job definition variable information or the job net variable.


While waiting for OR conditions, the succeeding job starts because one of the preceding jobs has already ended normally. As a result, the job ends without these conditions being met.


While waiting for OR conditions, one of the preceding jobs ends abnormally. As a result, the conditions cannot be evaluated and the job ends.


Failed to obtain the job net administrator information (getpwnam system call). Note that, if the attribute is other than Normal, the specified job may not exist. (*2)


Failed to set the job net administrator rights (setgid system call).


Failed to set the job net administrator rights (setuid system call).


Failed to change to the directory specified in the job (chdir system call).


Failed to start the job (execvp system call).


Failed to start the job (fork system call).
If the attribute is other than Normal, the job completion code is 256 or more. (*3)


The job was canceled.

*1: If backup is performed while a job was executing, and that information is restored, the job that was executing ends abnormally with completion code 239.

*2: If the job does not exist when the attribute is other than Normal, an error message is output to the Previous log tab of the job.

*3: If the actual completion code is 256 or more, the following is displayed in the Job History window:

...ended code=255.(Actual completion code)


Completion codes other than 201 to 256, and completion codes from 201 to 256 that are not used, are not values set by Systemwalker Operation Manager. They are values output by the job, for example the command, batch file, or shell script registered in the job command field.

Additionally, consider not making the completion code of the command, batch file, or shell script registered as the job 201 to 256. If 201 to 256 are used as the return value of the job, it will be difficult to tell whether the completion code was set by the job or by Jobscheduler. Note that if the return value of the job is 255 or greater, it will be handled as 255.

Job Execution Control completion codes

For the job completion codes output by Job Execution Control, the values shown below are set according to the job type.

Job type

Job completion code

Batch file

Batch file return code


Program return code

JCL (Job Control Language)

Maximum value for each step/completion code of the last step

Shell script

Shell script return code

Note that, if the job execution is canceled, a special value is set in the job completion code. The causes of the cancellation of the job, and the job completion code set when the job is canceled, are shown below.

[Windows versions]

Cause of the cancellation of the job

Completion code

Completion code

Completion code
(V11.x or later)

An exception occurred during the execution of the job.

Exception code

Exception code

Exception code

  • In the execution of the network job using JCL, the format specified for the network job control command (*1) is invalid. Alternatively, an error occurred in the Job Execution Control internal processing for the network job.

  • One of the following errors occurred when a job submitted to a distributed execution queue was started on the execution server (different remote host to the schedule server):

    • The input file does not exist

    • The output file does not exist

  • If the destination that the network job is submitted to is a Windows version server, the desktop heap may be depleted (*2).




In the execution of the network job using JCL, the format specified for the control statements for job steps (*3) is invalid.




An error occurred when submitting the network job on the remote server.




  • An error occurred when submitting the network job on the remote server.

  • A job in which the request host is specified was submitted to the distributed execution queue, therefore, the execution request was refused.

  • There is insufficient disk space on either the schedule server or the execution server.




In the request from the schedule server to the execution server when a network job was executed, a function not supported by previous versions was being used. As a result, an error occurred, resulting in failure to connect to the server running a previous version that does not support extension functions.




An error occurred when submitting the network job on the remote server. The effective user of the job is restricted by the effective user control list.




  • The network job could not continue because of a line error or because the other server is down.

  • One of the following errors occurred when a job submitted to a distributed execution queue was started on the execution server (different remote host to the schedule server):

    • A network-type error during input/output file transfer processing

    • A system error during input/output file transfer processing

  • There is insufficient disk space on either the schedule server or the execution server.




The job was canceled by a user operation from the screen, the qdel command, or the job deletion API.




The job was canceled because the cut-off execution time (job execution time-out) has elapsed.




In the execution of the job using JCL, the executable file specified in the job step does not exist.




If the function that executes the job with job owner rights is enabled, an error occurs in the user authentication processing when the job is executed (*4). Alternatively, for Distributed Execution jobs (*5) and network jobs, an error occurred in the authentication processing on the remote server.




The network job could not continue because of a line error or because the other server is down. Alternatively, for Job Execution Control processing, the job could not continue because the error occurred.




For Job Execution Control processing, the job could not continue because the error occurred.




[V13.2.0 or later]
The user application accessed illegal memory area.




[V13.2.0 or later]
Division by zero was performed by the user application.




[V13.2.0 or later]
Cannot find the DLL required to execute the user application (the required DLL path does not exist in the PATH environment variable).




[V13.2.0 or later]
Failed to initialize the DLL required to execute the user application. The desktop heap may be depleted (*2).




*1: The commands are as follows:
- connect
- send
- execute
- receive
- disconnect

*2: In Windows Server 2003 or later, the following event is output to the event log when the first desktop heap insufficiency occurs after starting the operating system:

Type: Warning

Source: Win32k

Event ID: 243

Description: Failed to allocate desktop heap.

*3: The control statements are as follows:
- file
- exec

*4: Possible causes are as follows:

*5: In V10.0L21 or earlier, this is "load distribution job".

*6: This is set in V13.1.0 or earlier.

When the application makes the exception (abnormal end), the exception code 0xC******* (in hexadecimal) is set by the operating system. This code is reserved by the operating system. It is not a code set by Job Execution Control. Consider the following action methods for information on exception code 0xC0000005, 0xC0000135, 0xC0000142:

"5.2.14 The Job Ends Abnormally with Exception Code 0xC0000005, 0xe06d7363 [Windows versions]"
"5.2.15 The Job Ends Abnormally with Exception Code 0xC0000135 [Windows versions]"
"5.2.16 The Job Ends Abnormally with Exception Code 0xC0000142 [Windows versions]"

[UNIX versions]

Cause of the cancellation of the job

Completion code

Completion code

Completion code
(11.0 or later)

An exception (signal received, core occurrence) occurred while the job was being executed.

Exception code

Exception code

Exception code

  • In the execution of the network job using JCL, the format specified for the network job control command (*1) is invalid. Alternatively, an error occurred in the Job Execution Control internal processing for the network job.

  • One of the following errors occurred when a job submitted to a distributed execution queue was started on the execution server (different remote host to the schedule server):

    • The input file does not exist

    • The output file does not exist

  • If the destination that the network job is submitted to is a Windows version server, the desktop heap may be depleted (*2).




In the execution of the network job using JCL, the format specified for the job step control statement (*3) is invalid.




An error occurred when submitting the network job on the remote server.




  • An error occurred when submitting the network job on the remote server.

  • A job in which the request host is specified was submitted to the distributed execution queue, therefore the execution request was refused.

  • There is insufficient disk space on either the schedule server or the execution server.




In the request from the schedule server to the execution server when a network job was executed, a function not supported by previous versions was being used. As a result, an error occurred, resulting in failure to connect to the server running a previous version that does not support extension functions.




An error occurred when submitting the network job on the remote server. The effective user of the job is restricted by the effective user control list.




  • The network job could not continue because of a line error or because the other server is down.

  • One of the following errors occurred when a job submitted to a distributed execution queue was started on the execution server (different remote host to the schedule server):

    • A network-type error during input/output file transfer processing

    • A system error during input/output file transfer processing

  • There is insufficient disk space on either the schedule server or the execution server.




The job was canceled by a user operation from the screen, the qdel command, or the job deletion API.




The job was canceled because the cut-off execution time (job execution time-out) has elapsed.




In the execution of the job using JCL, the executable file specified in the job step does not exist.




For Distributed Execution jobs and network jobs, an error occurred in the authentication processing on the remote server.




For Job Execution Control processing, the job could not continue because the error occurred.




*1: The commands are as follows:
- connect
- send
- execute
- receive
- disconnect

*2: In Windows Server 2003 or later, the following event is output to the event log when the first desktop heap insufficiency occurs after starting the operating system:

Type: Warning

Source: Win32k

Event ID: 243

Description: Failed to allocate desktop heap.

*3: The control statements are as follows:
- file
- exec

*4: This is set in V13.1.0 or earlier.

When the application receives the signal (abnormal end), the exception code 128 + signal number (octal: 200 + signal number) is set by the operating system. This code is set by the operating system (shell). It is not a code set by Job Execution Control.

Refer to the following action method for information on code 137,138, and 139:

"5.2.4 The Job Ends Abnormally with Code 137, 138, or 139 [UNIX versions]"

[Windows versions/UNIX versions (common)]

If the online job execution has been canceled, the job completion codes shown below are set:


Completion code

Completion code

Completion code
(V11.x/11.x or later)

The online job ended normally.




Failed to start the online job, because Interstage is not installed on the system.




Failed to start the online job, because an error occurred in Interstage while initializing the online job startup environment.




Failed to start the online job, because an error occurred in Interstage while starting the online job.




Failed to start the online job, because an error occurred in Interstage while monitoring the online job.




Failed to stop the online job, because an error occurred in Interstage while stopping the online job.




The online job ended abnormally.




The online job was canceled before it started.




  • The network job could not continue because of a line error or because the other server is down.

  • There is insufficient disk space on either the schedule server or the execution server.




The limit value for the execution time-out was exceeded, or the cut-off execution time has elapsed while the job was being executed, therefore the online job was forcibly terminated.




Failed to start the online job, because a system error occurred.


