Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

4.14.42 The Message "MpJobsch: ERROR: 0422: Failed to convert the standard output or the standard error code for the job. The job result file contains illegal characters" is Output [UNIX Versions]

Error message

MpJobsch: ERROR: 0422: Failed to convert the standard output or the standard error code for the job. The job result file contains illegal characters.

Applicable versions and levels

Action 1

Points to check

Were characters that cannot be converted using character encoding included in the output result of the job?


If binary data is output to the standard output or standard error output of the job, the conversion using character encoding will fail.

Action method

Ensure not to output unconvertible character codes to the job output results.

Action 2

Points to check

Was a network job executed between servers with different character encoding?


On the schedule server, Convert character code of files (for network jobs) was not selected on the Options tab in the Define Operating Information window.

Action method

On the schedule server, select the above Convert character code of files (for network jobs). Then, restart the Systemwalker Operation Manager Job Execution Control daemon/service. The character encoding for the output result of the job executed after that will be converted.