Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

4.14.41 The Message "MpJobsch: ERROR: open() too many open files" is Output to SYSLOG [UNIX Versions]

Error message

MpJobsch: ERROR: open() too many open files

Applicable versions and levels



This error message is output when there are insufficient program file descriptors as a result of the Operation Manager client being canceled, or not ending correctly.

Action method

By sending an HUP signal to the tskwnsrv process, the invalid socket is released, and the cause of the error may be removed.

Additionally, by using the keepalive function, the illegal socket can be recovered.

[Method to enable the keepalive function]

  1. Define the following two lines at the end of the Jobscheduler startup parameter file (jobschev.txt):


    Note that the storage location of the startup parameter file (jobschev.txt) is as follows:


    <Installation directory>\MPWALKER.JM\mpjobsch\etc\jobschev.txt

    Alternatively, <installation directory>\MPWALKER.JM\mpjobsch\etc\jobschevn.txt

    "n" of "jobschevn" corresponds to each subsystem number (1 to 9).

    [UNIX versions]

    Solaris versions: /var/opt/FJSVJOBSC/etc/jobschev.txt

    Or, /var/opt/FJSVJOBSC/JOBDBn/etc/jobschev.txt

    HP-UX versions: /opt/FHPJOBSCH/db/etc/jobschev.txt

    Or, /opt/FHPJOBSCH/db/JOBDBn/etc/jobschev.txt

    AIX versions: /usr/FAIXJOBSC/db/etc/jobschev.txt

    Or, /usr/FAIXJOBSC/db/JOBDBn/etc/jobschev.txt

    Linux versions: /var/opt/FJSVJOBSC/etc/jobschev.txt

    Or, /var/opt/FJSVJOBSC/JOBDBn/etc/jobschev.txt

    "n" of "JOBDBn" corresponds to each subsystem number (1 to 9).

  2. Restart Jobscheduler.

*1: In subsystem operations, this must be set for each subsystem.

*2: By enabling the keepalive function, the packet that checks the generation will be routed across the network periodically. Enable this as necessary.


The keepalive function is an operating system function. In Solaris, refer to the tcp_keepalive_interval parameter of the ndd command.