Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

4.14.39 If the jobschmsgevent Command is Executed in the Subsystem Environment, "The daemon was not started" is Output [UNIX Versions]

Error message

MpJobsch: ERROR: 0014: The daemon was not started.

Applicable versions and levels



If the host name is specified in the jobschmsgevent command option registered as the schedule job, a message event will be generated to the subsystem in which the started job is included.

For this reason, this message is output if the same subsystem is not running on the generation destination host.

Action method

To specify the host name as the jobschmsgevent command option, and generate the message event in a different subsystem, specify the -sys parameter.

To generate the message event to subsystem 0 of the generation destination host, specify "-sys 0".