Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

4.14.38 The Start Delayed Message is Displayed at the Scheduled Start Time of a Disabled Job Net

Error message

MpJobsch: WARNING: 0310: XXXX YYYY did not start at scheduled time.

MpJobsch: WARNING: 4305:XXXX YYYY did not start at scheduled time.

XXXX: Project name
YYYY: Job net name

Applicable versions and levels



Even if job nets with the following execution conditions set are in a disabled state, the startup delay exit starts up at the scheduled start time.

Action method

No action is required.


Note that, if the Notify when job net is not started even after the specified start time is lapsed (*1) check box is selected in the Advanced Settings for Event Output window, that is displayed by clicking Details under Event output on the Event output tab in the Define Jobscheduler Startup Parameters window, and the Jobscheduler daemon/service is not restarted, the above message will not be output even if the "Start delayed" status exists.

*1: On V13.2.0 or earlier, open the Define Jobscheduler Startup Parameters window and specify this setting in the Event output tab.