Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

4.14.34 The Message "0017: The jobscheduler failed to attach shared memory" is Displayed after Executing a Jobscheduler Command [UNIX Versions]

Error message

MpJobsch ERROR 0017: The jobscheduler failed to attach shared memory.

Applicable versions and levels



An inconsistency may have occurred in the shared memory used by Jobscheduler and the actual shared memory.

If an inconsistency has occurred in the common memory, the Jobscheduler command cannot be used. The command outputs this message in standard error output and then ends.

The inconsistency can be caused when the backed-up information is restored, or shared memory used by Jobscheduler is deleted while Jobscheduler is running.

Action method

Restart Jobscheduler.

If the problem cannot be resolved by restarting Jobscheduler, restart the system.