Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

4.14.13 The Message "0330:The job net has abnormal ended.CODE=XXX", or "330 The job net has ended abnormally. Job net comment=XXXX Job net name=YYYY Code=CCCC Project name=ZZZZ" is Output

Error message

0330:The job net has abnormal ended.CODE=XXX

330 The job net has ended abnormally. Job net comment=XXXX Job net name=YYYY Code=CCCC Project name=ZZZZ

Applicable versions and levels



There is a problem with the job that ended abnormally.

Action method

Check the job itself from the job completion code.

Refer to "Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Job Execution Control" - "5.1 The Job Execution Result is Abnormal" for information on the job completion codes.