Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

4.9.3 The Error Message "The LANG value is different" is Output [UNIX Versions]

Error message

MpJobsch: WARNING: 0288: The LANG value is different.

MpJobsch: WARNING: 0288: The LANG value is different. Reset LANG environment. Rerun command.

Applicable versions and levels

Action 1

Points to check

Do the LANG environment variable value of the language environment that was set during the installation, and the LANG environment variable value of the environment that executed the Jobscheduler command, match?


When using UNIX, if the LANG environment variables for the language environment set during installation of Systemwalker and the environment in which Jobscheduler commands are executed do not match, an error message is output and Jobscheduler commands cannot be executed. For example, this error message is output in Solaris versions if "SJIS" was specified as the language type when Systemwalker Operation Manager was installed, and the LANG environment variable value of the user that executed the Jobscheduler command was "LANG=ja" (EUC).

Action method

In the above example, the Jobscheduler command can be executed if the LANG environment variable value is changed to "LANG=ja_JP.PCK" (SJIS).

Action 2

Points to check

If the Jobscheduler command was executed as the scheduled job, was the LANG environment variable specified in the startup shell (such as .cshrc or .profile) of the effective user of the job? Do the LANG environment variable value of the language environment that was set during the installation, and the LANG environment variable value that was specified in the startup shell, match?


When using UNIX, if the LANG environment variables for the language environment set during installation of Systemwalker and the environment in which Jobscheduler commands are executed do not match, an error message is output and Jobscheduler commands cannot be executed. This type of error message is output when the Jobscheduler command is executed as the scheduled job, and the LANG environment variable of the startup shell does not match the one set during the installation.

Action method

If the Jobscheduler command is executed as the scheduled job, set the LANG environment variable in the startup shell so that it matches the language type set during the installation.