Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

4.3.2 Although the Job Flow Execution Proceeds in the Monitor Job Net window, when the Job Execution Result is Checked, it seems that the Job has not been Started

Applicable versions and levels


Points to check

Is the job disabled?


If the job was disabled, when the execution condition is prepared, the job will be skipped, and the succeeding job will start instead.

Action method

Check if the job has been disabled in the target job net. To do this, check the job status display in the Monitor Job Net window, or execute the jobschprint -p command and check the result.



Behavior when the job is operated

When the job net is the Job Execution Control attribute, the cancel, restart, pause, continue, disable, and enable operations can be performed for the job. The behavior when each operation is performed is explained below.

  • Cancel

    Cancels a job that is executing, or that was delayed. The job changes to the "Canceled" status.

  • Restart

    If the job net has the "Warning" status, restart the job that ended abnormally or was canceled.

    If a recovery job is executing, it cannot be restarted. Recovery jobs cannot be restarted either. If both cases, the operation will be ignored. (V11.0L10/11.0 or later)

  • Pause

    Pauses a job that is waiting to be executed, or a job that has ended. Even if an execution condition, for example the completion of the preceding job, is met for a job that was paused, the start will be suspended, so the job will not be executed. The job that succeeds the job that was paused will not be executed either.

  • Continue

    Continues a job that was paused. The status of the job is as follows:

    • If a paused job is continued before the execution condition is met, the job status will revert to the status before it was paused.

    • If the execution condition is met while the job is paused, the job will start after the continue operation is performed.

  • Disable

    Changes a job that is waiting to be executed, or that was paused or ended, to the "Disabled" status. A disabled job will be skipped if an execution condition has been prepared, and the succeeding job will start. If the execution condition is prepared while the job is paused, and the job is disabled, the job will be skipped at the point when it was disabled.

  • Enable

    Enables a job that was disabled. The status of the job is as follows:

    • If the job was enabled before the execution condition was prepared, the job status will revert to the status before the disable operation was performed. However, if the job was paused before the disable operation was performed, the job status will revert to the status before it was paused.

    • If the execution condition is prepared when the job was disabled, the job will be skipped and change to the "Completed" status.


Behavior when a recovery operation is performed for the job (V11.0L10/11.0 or later)

If the job net is a Job Execution Control attribute, the recovery operations "Start from Specified Job", "Restart from Specified Job", "Start from Next Job", and "Specified Job Only" can be performed for a job that ended abnormally or was canceled. The behavior when each operation is performed is explained below.

  • Start from Specified Job

    Starts from the specified job. When the job is completed normally or pseudo-normally, the succeeding job will be executed.

  • Restart from Specified Job

    Operations can be performed only on jobs that have a job net icon. Restarts from the specified job. When the job is completed normally or pseudo-normally, the succeeding job will be executed.

  • Start from Next Job

    Operations can only be performed on jobs that do not have a job net icon. Starts from the succeeding job leaving the specified job as it is. If that succeeding job has completed normally or pseudo-normally, the next succeeding job will be executed.

  • Specified Job Only

    Operations can only be performed on jobs that do not have a job net icon. Starts the specified job only. Even when the job is completed normally or pseudo-normally, the succeeding job will not be executed. Or, even when the job is abended, the recovery job will not be executed.