Applicable versions and levels
Windows versions: V5.0L10 or later
Solaris versions: 5.0 or later
Linux versions: 5.2, V10.0L10 or later
Linux for Itanium versions: V12.0L10 or later
HP-UX versions: 5.1 or later
AIX versions: 5.1 or later
DS versions: V20L10
In addition to the application completion code, a completion code specific to Jobscheduler and Job Execution Control may be displayed as the job completion code.
Action method
Refer to the manuals below for information on the Jobscheduler and Job Execution Control-specific job completion codes. Completion codes not mentioned in the manual are set by the application, so check the meaning of the completion code in the application document.
V11.0L10/11.0 or later
"Job Completion Codes" in the Reference Guide
"Completion Codes" in the Online Help
V10.0L10/10.0 or earlier
"Job Completion Codes" in the Reference Guide
"Q & A Relating to Operation" in the Q & A Guide