Applicable versions and levels
Windows versions: V5.0L10 or later
Solaris versions: 5.0 or later
Linux versions: 5.2, V10.0L10 or later
Linux for Itanium versions: V12.0L10 or later
HP-UX versions: 5.1 or later
AIX versions: 5.1 or later
DS versions: V20L10
Points to check
Is the job net interval one minute?
In Systemwalker Operation Manager, if it was determined that it is now the execution time for the job net, the job net will start instantly. For this reason, if the setting is to start the job net at one minute intervals, it tries to start the job net instantly after a copy operation, and the copy operation will fail.
Action method
Change the startup interval for the job net before starting the copy operation.