Applicable versions and levels
Windows versions: V5.0L10 or later
Solaris versions: 5.0 or later
Linux versions: 5.2, V10.0L10 or later
Linux for Itanium versions: V12.0L10 or later
HP-UX versions: 5.1 or later
AIX versions: 5.1 or later
DS versions: V20L10
Points to check
Has the structure of the job net changed because of the startup day of the job net in the group, or does its structure mean that the shutdown time was not reached, or the Systemwalker Operation Manager stop time was not reached?
The group structure changes daily depending on the startup days of job nets that comprise the group. If the group structure means that the system shutdown time was not reached, or the Systemwalker Operation Manager stop time was not reached, the execution will be stopped and the group will end abnormally.
Action method
Consider the structure and shutdown time of the job net in the group, and the Systemwalker Operation Manager stop time, and then perform the operation. Additionally, if this problem has occurred, perform the restart operation for the group.
If the termination processing job net (JSHEND) is used in Windows versions, the group may end abnormally with 239. This is because the termination processing job net (JSHEND) does not wait for the group to end. The result is that all job nets in the group are shut down without ending, and the group ends abnormally with 239.