Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

2.6.2 The Message "Policy distribution is not allowed because destination server policy information is not applied. " is Output and Policies Cannot be Distributed

Applicable versions and levels

Action 1

Points to check

Did you apply policies after policy distribution?


After policy distribution, policies are applied by restarting Systemwalker Operation Manager server. This message is output if the previous policies are not applied.

Action method

Apply the previously distributed policies by restarting Systemwalker Operation Manager server, and then redistribute the policies.

Action 2

Points to check

Do accounts held by the project owner or with access rights exist on the policy distribution destination server?


Policy distribution fails if policies cannot be applied due to a project owner account or an account with access rights not existing on the policy distribution destination server during application of the previous policies.

Action method

Add a project owner account or account with access rights to the policy distribution destination, restart the Systemwalker Operation Manager service/daemon, and apply the policies.

Refer to "Distributing the Policy Data" in the Installation Guide for information on how to distribute the policy information.

Action 3

Points to check

Does the following file exist?

<systemwalker operation manager install dir>\mpwalker\mpaosfsv\policy\acldata.bat


If Systemwalker Centric Manager is installed, the above file is not deleted even when Systemwalker Operation Manager is uninstalled. This causes the system to consider that there are unapplied policies, which in turn causes the policies to not be distributed.

Action method

Rename the above file from "acldata.bat" to "acldata.bat.old", and redistribute the policies.

In the following cases, another cause is likely, therefore do not use the action method above: