Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

2.5.2 If Connecting as a Domain Account, the Project is not Displayed When Jobscheduler is Selected in the Job Selection Window Even if the Access Rights have been Set [Windows Versions]

Applicable versions and levels

Action 1

Points to check

Are the following users specified for the startup account of the Systemwalker ACL Manager service?

Note that if Systemwalker Centric Manager version is newer than that of Systemwalker Operation Manager on the same server, the check must be based on the version of Systemwalker Centric Manager. The action method is the same for both.

Action method

Perform the following procedure to change the startup account:

Action 2

Points to check

Is the domain account for which access rights were set registered under "Organization Unit (OU)" of Active Directory?

Action method

Register under "Users" of Active Directory the domain account for which you want set access rights.