Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

2.5.1 If Connecting as a User Other than Superuser, the Project is not Displayed Even if the Access Rights have been Set [UNIX Versions]

Applicable versions and levels

Action 1

Points to check

Have you set the port number used by ACL Manager in the services file (service mpaclmgr) ? Moreover, are the port definitions correct?

Note that the services file directory varies according to the operating system.

Action method

Define the following in the services file of the server and client:

mpaclmgr 4013/tcp

Action 2

Points to check

Have the system parameters (semaphores) been tuned to appropriate values?

Action method

Check the system parameter (semaphore) settings.

Action 3

Points to check

Action method

Apply standardized access rights for operation node and standby node projects.

Refer to the following manuals for information on how to apply a standardized method.