Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

2.3.4 "MpAuditLogO: ERROR: 1: The audit log was not able to be initialized. The log is not output to the operation after this." is Output to the Event Log during a System Reboot or Shutdown [Windows Versions]

Error message

MpAuditLogO: ERROR: 1: The audit log was not able to be initialized. The log is not output to the operation after this. (target:%1, detail code:%2)

%1: Name of audit log file that failed during initialization
%2: Detailed information on the cause of the error

Applicable versions and levels



This warning message is output to the event log if audit log output fails due to a system stoppage. Systemwalker Operation Manager outputs the following audit log entries during a system stoppage:

Action method

This warning message is output depending on the timing of the above audit log output and the system stoppage. This issue occurs if a service of systems (such as Security Accounts Manager, required for output of audit logs) stops before output to audit logs. No action is required even if this warning message is displayed, because there is no impact on audit log output following a system restart.


If this message is being monitored by Systemwalker Centric Manager, you can stop it from being output to the Systemwalker Console by specifying that it should not be monitored during a system reboot or shutdown.