Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

2.3.3 Cluster Failover Takes Time or a Process Accessing Files Under /var/spool/mjes is Detected during Cluster Failover [UNIX Versions]

Applicable versions and levels


Points to check

Was a job started in the background (that is, suffixing it with ampersand (&))?


On the UNIX versions of Systemwalker Operation Manager, do not register commands or shell scripts that are started in the background as jobs, otherwise the process may be in an "executing" state even after they have completed. This might cause cluster failover to take time or a process accessing files under /var/spool/mjes to be detected during cluster failover.

Action method

Do not start a job in the background (that is, suffixing it with ampersand (&)).