Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

2.2.2 A Process Error is Displayed during Check of the Process Running Status

The action to be taken if a process error occurs is as follows.

Error message

If an error occurs for a process, the following kind of message is displayed in the execution result of the command for displaying the process running status.

>>>>> ERROR:Process NOT Found!! : Monetring target process

Applicable versions and levels

Action method on Windows versions

  1. Check the abnormal process and related processes.

    Refer to "B.2.1 Process Names [Windows Versions]" for details.

  2. End related processes.

    If there are related processes, check them in the Windows Task Manager, which is provided as standard with Windows, and click End Process to end each process.

  3. Restart the service.

    Access Services from the Control Panel, and start the service of the abnormal process by selecting the service name.

Action method on UNIX versions

  1. Check the abnormal process and related processes.

    Refer to "B.2.2 Process Names [UNIX Versions]" details.

  2. End related processes.

    If there are related processes, check them using the ps command, and execute the kill command to end each process.

  3. Restart the daemon.

    Check the function names to be targeted, and execute the start command described in "B.2.2 Process Names [UNIX Versions]".